PMID- 12566072 OWN - NLM STAT- completed DA - 20030204 DCOM- 20030825 LR - 20040209 IS - 0891-5849 VI - 34 IP - 4 DP - 2003 Feb 15 TI - DPI induces mitochondrial superoxide-mediated apoptosis. PG - 465-77 AB - The iodonium compounds diphenyleneiodonium (DPI) and diphenyliodonium (IDP) are well-known phagocyte NAD(P)H oxidase inhibitors. However, it has been shown that at high concentrations they can inhibit the mitochondrial respiratory chain as well. Since inhibition of the mitochondrial respiratory chain has been shown to induce superoxide production and apoptosis, we investigated the effect of iodonium compounds on mitochondria-derived superoxide and apoptosis. Mitochondrial superoxide production was measured on both cultured cells and isolated rat-heart submitochondrial particles. Mitochondria function was examined by monitoring mitochondrial membrane potential. Apoptotic pathways were studied by measuring cytochrome c release and caspase 3 activation. Apoptosis was characterized by detecting DNA fragmentation on agarose gel and measuring propidium iodide- (PI-) stained subdiploid cells using flow cytometry. Our results showed that DPI could induce mitochondrial superoxide production. The same concentration of DPI induced apoptosis by decreasing mitochondrial membrane potential and releasing cytochrome c. Addition of antioxidants or overexpression of MnSOD significantly reduced DPI-induced mitochondrial damage, cytochrome c release, caspase activation, and apoptosis. These observations suggest that DPI can induce apoptosis via induction of mitochondrial superoxide. DPI-induced mitochondrial superoxide production may prove to be a useful model to study the signaling pathways of mitochondrial superoxide. AD - Purdue University, Department of Basic Medical Sciences, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA. FAU - Li, Nianyu AU - Li N FAU - Ragheb, Kathy AU - Ragheb K FAU - Lawler, Gretchen AU - Lawler G FAU - Sturgis, Jennie AU - Sturgis J FAU - Rajwa, Bartek AU - Rajwa B FAU - Melendez, J Andres AU - Melendez JA FAU - Robinson, J Paul AU - Robinson JP LA - eng PT - Journal Article PL - United States TA - Free Radic Biol Med JID - 8709159 RN - 0 (Antioxidants) RN - 0 (Cytochrome c Group) RN - 0 (Onium Compounds) RN - 11062-77-4 (Superoxides) RN - 244-54-2 (diphenyleneiodonium) RN - EC (Superoxide Dismutase) RN - EC 3.4.22.- (Caspases) RN - EC 3.4.22.- (caspase-3) SB - IM MH - Animals MH - Antioxidants/pharmacology MH - Apoptosis/*drug effects MH - Caspases/metabolism MH - Cytochrome c Group/metabolism MH - DNA Fragmentation MH - Enzyme Activation/drug effects MH - Fibrosarcoma MH - Gene Expression MH - HL-60 Cells MH - Human MH - Membrane Potentials/drug effects MH - Mitochondria/*drug effects/*metabolism/ultrastructure MH - Mitochondria, Heart/ultrastructure MH - Myocardium/ultrastructure MH - Onium Compounds/*pharmacology MH - Rats MH - Submitochondrial Particles/metabolism MH - Superoxide Dismutase/genetics MH - Superoxides/*metabolism/pharmacology MH - Tumor Cells, Cultured EDAT- 2003/02/05 04:00 MHDA- 2003/08/26 05:00 AID - S0891584902013254 [pii] PST - ppublish SO - Free Radic Biol Med 2003 Feb 15;34(4):465-77.