Free Flow Cytometry Software Detailed Description Form (form revised 2/2/95) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- **SECTIONS** The sections of this form are: **SHORT OVERVIEW** **BASICS** **DOCUMENTATION** **INPUT/OUTPUT** **DOT PLOTS** **CONTOUR & DENSITY PLOTS** **HISTOGRAMS** **KINETICS** **CELL CYCLE ANALYSIS** **TECHNICAL MATTERS** **COMMENTS/SPECIAL FEATURES** ---------------------------------------------------------------------- **SHORT OVERVIEW** (Paragraph of not more than 10 lines) Best available for general purposes; colored regions, quadrant analysis, complex gating. Gorgeous graphics, 3D contour and dot plots. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- **BASICS** Name of program: WinMDI (Windows Multiple Document Interface flow cytometry application) Date this form was completed/revised: 2/95, WinMDI version 1.3.6. Computer operating systems supported (if MS-DOS, does the program require Windows?): MS-DOS, requires Windows. Author(s) of program, contact addresses and phone numbers: Joseph Trotter, Where/how to get the program: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- **DOCUMENTATION** On-line help: extensive. Is there a tutorial? If so, length? Major topics covered? No tutorial. Are sample data files provided with the tutorial? N/A. Manual, other documentation or published reference: A DOS slideshow providing a quick view of WinMDI's gorgeous graphics is available: ftp: /pub/flowcyt/slideshows. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- **INPUT/OUTPUT** Input data file formats accepted: Wide range of FCS1.0 and 2.0 formats including most B-D, Coulter, Skatron Argus. Video screen types supported: All Windows screens. Printers and other output devices supported: All Windows devices. Output disk file types created (if any): Mouse control: Yes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- **DOT PLOTS** Can dot plots be displayed? Yes. Can multiple dot plots be displayed on the screen simultaneously? Yes, one per window. Dot plot regions (polygonal, rectangular, elliptical, etc.): Drawn by mouse, can be polygonal, rectangular, elliptical. Gating logic options for regions: Completely flexible with and, or, not logic. Are dots in different regions colored differently? If yes, do these colors carry over into dot plots of different parameters? Yes and yes. 3D dotplots? If yes, can they be rotated and tilted to any desired angle? Yes and yes. Is quadrant analysis supported? If yes, can the results be shown on the dotplot itself? Yes, no. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- **CONTOUR & DENSITY PLOTS** 2D contour plots? If yes, with colored contour lines? Smoothable? Yes, yes and yes. 3D contour plots? If yes, with rotation and tilting? Smoothable? Yes, yes and yes. Can density plots be displayed? If yes, in color? Smoothable? Yes, yes, and yes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- **HISTOGRAMS** Are medians/means for log acquired data converted to a linear intensity scale? Yes. Can arbitrary markers be placed on histograms? Yes. What statistics are available for marked segments? Percentage, median, mean, CV, mode. Can statistics for a marked segment be shown on the histogram itself? Yes. Can histograms be filled solid with a user-selected color? Yes (primary histogram only, or in 3D view). Is smoothing available? If yes, which algorithms, and can user specify number of cycles? Yes. Cycles can be specified. Can histograms be overlayed (maximum number per panel): Yes, maximum [?]. Histogram/overlay vertical scaling options: Common scale only, adjustable in factors of two. Overlayed histogram lines: can different colors be used? If yes, can user select colors? Yes, yes. Overlayed histogram lines: can thickness, dotted/broken be selected? Yes. Can histograms be displayed as a 3D arrangement? If yes, can the display be rotated and tilted? Yes and yes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- **KINETICS** Are dots on dotplots sampled evenly throughout the listmode file? Can be but are not by default. Can time be used as a region/gating parameter? Yes, if it is a recorded parameter. Can the median Y line be drawn vs. time? No. Can event number be used as a dotplot X parameter if time is not a recorded parameter? No. Can medians be obtained for a user-specified number of slices of each listmode file? No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- **CELL CYCLE ANALYSIS** Is cell cycle analysis of DNA fluorescence histograms supported? No. Models/algorithms available: N/A. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- **TECHNICAL MATTERS** Program configuration information saved between sessions: Partial. Computer requirements (memory, video display, floating point hardware, etc.): Windows. Floating point hardware strongly recommended. Source code programming language used, interpreters required (if any), approx. total lines of source code: [?] Compiler manufacturer and version: [?] Commercial libraries or development tools required to produce the executable program from the free source code? [?] Seconds required to read/process a 10,000 event, 5-parameter file (specify computer system[s] used for timing): about 1 sec (486DX, 33 MHz). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- **COMMENTS/SPECIAL FEATURES** [?] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [END OF FORM] ----------------------------------------------------------------------