Wierd Mail Returns

Bill Justice (billj@sound.net)
Mon, 12 Feb 1996 20:14:01 -0600 (CST)

To all those the attempted to send me Apoptosis information, if failed again
except for


Everyone else had all sorts of wierd message about user not known and no
room on drive and other messages which make no sense to me. I received tons
of other mail so I don't think the errors are on my side.

I know this is no cytometry related, but just trying to help...

Here are the people whose message did not make it:

*postmaster@ccmail.llu.edu (ccMail SMTPLINK) User j_folz is not defined
*postmaster@ccmail.llu.edu (ccMail SMTPLINK) User immuno flow at
applic1 is not defined
*Mail Delivery System <postmaster@alf1.ngate.uni-regensburg.de>

If you are from any of these sites, you may want to check with your MIS.

\|||||/ |
| ^ ^ | |
| @ - | | Bill Justice
( ) | Shawnee, Kansas
--oOOO--(_)--OOOo-- | BillJ@Sound.Net
" Just when I figure things | McTull@AOL.COM
out, they don't change the |
rules, they cancel the game "|