Re: HLA-B27 / CD16a vs CD16b / TNF-production / Mac Problems
Bruce Davis, MD - Clinical Pathology (
Tue, 13 Feb 1996 09:14:03 -0500 (EST)
We have had great results using the One Lambda clone along with Flow
Cytometry Stnds. Quantum beads to measure HLA-B27 expression in MESF
units. Our experience will be submitted this week to Cytometry for
publication, but happy to send you a copy of the manuscript if it will help.
Some CD16 anitbodies (3G8) can be obtained from Medarex in Annondale, NJ
908-713-6001 and also Caltag, Immunotech, or Becton Dickinson.
Bruce Davis
Wm Beaumont Hosp.
Royal Oak, Michigan