Re: phosphatidylserine (PS) stain

William T. Lee (
Tue, 13 Feb 1996 18:22:53 -0500

>On Mon, 12 Feb 1996, SPERFETTO wrote:
>> J. Immu.Method, 184 (1995) 39-51. This group had good separation and
>> comparison to the DNA ladder, PI staining ,and microscopic examination.
>> unfortunately commercially preparations of directly conjugated Annexin is
>> available. At least the last time I looked. We are very interested to
>> this tech. to our standard tunnel assay.
>R and D (Minneapolis, MN) is now selling FITC-conjugated annexin V, as is
>Brand applications in the Netherlands.

Does Merocyanine-540 measure the same thing as Annexin? How useful is it
for measuring apoptosis? In the two preliminary experiments that we tried,
it gave the same percentages as the sub-G1 PI staining.
