Re: Wierd Mail Returns

Ray Hicks (
Wed, 14 Feb 1996 11:31:19 +0000 (GMT)

Hmm.... It looks to me as if these people didn't try to reply at all,
they are administration responses to your original mailing , letting you
know that the message wasn't delivered.
I'll bet I get the same responses to this.


On Mon, 12 Feb 1996, Bill Justice

> To all those the attempted to send me Apoptosis information, if failed again
> except for
> and
> Everyone else had all sorts of wierd message about user not known and no
> room on drive and other messages which make no sense to me. I received tons
> of other mail so I don't think the errors are on my side.
> I know this is no cytometry related, but just trying to help...
> Here are the people whose message did not make it:
> * (ccMail SMTPLINK) User j_folz is not defined
> * (ccMail SMTPLINK) User immuno flow at
> applic1 is not defined
> *Mail Delivery System <>
> *MAILER-DAEMON@vines.ColoState.EDU
> If you are from any of these sites, you may want to check with your MIS.
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> \|||||/ |
> | ^ ^ | |
> | @ - | | Bill Justice
> ( ) | Shawnee, Kansas
> --oOOO--(_)--OOOo-- | BillJ@Sound.Net
> " Just when I figure things | McTull@AOL.COM
> out, they don't change the |
> rules, they cancel the game "|
> ----------------------------------------------------------