dye lasers
monard@adarc.nyu.edu (Marcia.Woda@BANYAN.UMMED.EDU)
Thu, 15 Feb 96 16:49:00 EST
I would be interested in anyone's current use and experience with these
lasers, specifically pumping rho6g. We used one of these years ago to
perform our first three color immunofluorescence with two lasers before the
tandem conjugates excitable with 488nm light came out. My recollection is
that we, or more precisely the field engineer, spent more time changing the
dye then we did on the science. After 3-4 months in a hot and humid room the
output power would drop and soon become insufficient. We had Coulter
servicing the Coherent dye box and it was my understanding that with new
OSHA guidelines they would no longer change the dye. Have there been any
improvements in the tunable dye lasers?? I assume Coherent services them but
are busy flow operators who would only be doing this 4-5 times per year be
able to perform the very difficult alignment in the dye head themselves??
Any comments would be welcome.