Dual CRT controller - Elite

Michal Bochenek (mbochen@izoo.krakow.pl)
Tue, 20 Feb 1996 11:36:45 +0100 (MEZ)

Hi to everyone,
This is rather technical matter:
I have some problems with Dual CRT Controller in our Coulter Elite cytometer.
Details - the touch screen doesn't display any of the "button" and data. All
its area is yellow - it looks like screen filled with one of ASCII
- touch detectors work! - if I touch invisible "button" (I remember
position of some of buttons) it works!;
- the monitor itself is good - I replaced it with the next one
(scope & video) - symptoms were the same.
The price of new controller is ab. $6600 - horrible, it's too much for me!
Additionally, I'm not absolutely (but only 95% :) ) sure is THIS controller
really damaged?
I received information from the nearest Service (Germany - there is only
one Elite in Poland) that this controller MAY be the cause of mentioned
problems. Mhm....
So my questions:
Is there anybody who had the similar problem? I'll appreciate any advice..
Is there an old/spare Dual CRT Controller for sale in the Flow World?

Thanks in advance,

| National Research Institute of Animal Production
Michal Bochenek | Department of Animal Reproduction
mbochen@izoo.krakow.pl | 32-083 Balice / Krakow, Poland
| phone: 48 012 113211 ext. 308; fax: 48 012 110294
| e-mail: zfr@izoo.krakow.pl