Bibliographic apps summary

Steve G. Hilliard (
Tue, 27 Feb 1996 11:21:19 +0000

Hi folks!

Many thanks to all those who shared your opinions of bibliographic
software packages (could that really have been back in
NOVEMBER?--shudder). I received 32 msgs, and have since discovered a
useful website with a great deal of info:

Opinions in this group were as follows:
Reference Manager--12 pos, 2 neg.
Papyrus--5 pos, 0 neg.
Endnote--8 pos, 2 neg.
and Pro-Cite--1 pos, 1 neg.
I'll be happy to send the concatenated replies (a 28k text file) to
anyone who wants one.

(BTW, I still haven't picked one yet!)
thanks again, Steve

Steve G. Hilliard Cell Analysis Facility
University of Georgia

Surf the FloWeb! <>
