Re: CD8 decrease

Gerhard Nebe-von-Caron (
08 Mar 96 13:47:18 Z

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I don't know whether this might be relevant, but digging in
my memory I remember a conversation with Mark Lowdell
(somewhere in London, UK) more than 3 years ago. He
mentioned one of the CD8 chains can actually shed of and
thus lead to decreased CD8 detection.

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: CD8 decrease
Author: conley.christopher@MAYO.EDU at INTERNET
Date: 07/03/96 23:10

In response to the question raised by Karen Mann:

Decreased numbers of CD8+ cells have been described in autoimmune diseases,
specifically in rheumatoid arthritis. A decrease in the CD8 cell count is not
specific, however.

Christopher R. Conley, MD
Dept. of Pathology Tel:(602)301-8021 FAX:(602)301-8372
Mayo Clinic Scottsdale 13400 E. Shea Blvd. Scottsdale AZ 85259
