Table of Contents
As you will see, this issue of the ISAC Newsletter is quite brief compared to the last issue. There are several reasons for this. Information about the XVIII ISAC congress to be held at Rimini, Italy is contained in the enclosed Pre Program packet. Details of the meeting organization are contained in that packet. It is important to note that the only way, and I emphasize ONLY way, to submit an abstract for the Rimini meeting is to use the forms contained in the packet, or on plain paper following the instructions on page 17 of the Pre Program, and to send them to the Society Office in Breckenridge. No other means, including electronic, of abstract submittal will be honored.
Society Office News
Just a reminder . . .
Our area code has changed!
New phone numbers:
New fax number: 970/453-2636
(Some phone systems are not programmed to accept anything but a "zero" as the middle number in the area code. If you experience difficulty, try using the old "303" area code, or call your local phone company.)
email address:
[note: updated e-mail address:]
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 7849
Breckenridge, CO 80424 USA
Courier Delivery Address:
540 S. Ridge Street
Breckenridge, CO 80424 USA
ISAC Office Personnel
Jean Parker, Executive Director
Linda Otto, Membership/ Registration Administrator
Jeff Blum, Accounting/Committee Administrator
Carol Eckenwiler, Exhibit/Poster Administrator
Late Membership Renewals and Cytometry Subscriptions
Many members have asked why it takes so long to receive back issues of Cytometry. The ISAC year runs from January to December. If you fail to pay your dues by the deadline of 1 December, you will not receive your journals until your dues are paid. Once I receive your payment, I request all of your back issues from the publisher, which are sent out in bulk from Wiley Liss. Back issues requests can take up to six weeks and more to be processed!
ISAC Roster Updates You will find the most current changes, as well as the addition of the new 1995 members, enclosed with this newsletter. If you have address, telephone, or E-mail changes, please fax or mail your information to my attention. The information in the ISAC office database is used for all mailings, including the Cytometry journals. Thanks.
Linda Otto, Membership Director
ISAC XVIII Pre-Program By now you have probably already perused your copy of the ISAC XVIII Congress Pre-Program packet. Please read it carefully and note the various deadlines. We look forward to receiving your Abstract, Registration and Housing Forms.
We've tried to include enough detail to make your ISAC XVIII experience pleasant and enjoyable. If you need assistance in making your travel plans, or have any questions, please give us a call.
We hope to see you in Rimini, Italy 13 - 18 April 1996!
Rimini meeting deadlines
Abstracts for Oral Consideration: 20 October 1995
Abstracts for Poster Presentation and Pre-Registration Deadline: 10 November 1995
Housing Deadline: 13 March 1996
Message from President Francesco Mauro
Dear ISAC Friends,
It is difficult to realize that ISAC XVIII will be only eight months away when you receive this newsletter and the pre-program booklet. I expect the congress, structured and designed by the President-elect Joe Gray in collaboration with Maria Pallavicini, to be not only the relevant scientific and educational event that it has traditionally been in the past, but also to be an interesting experiment of a "thematic" congress in which a general part is intertwined with five "themes" (sort of congresses within the congress) so that some topics can be treated in depth.
The enclosed pre-program booklet gives greater detail on ISAC XVIII; please, review it carefully, and note deadlines for abstracts, registration and housing. Additional booklets and registration materials may be obtained from the Society Office in Breckenridge.
I personally invite all of you to seriously consider attending the congress, visiting with your colleagues from all over the world - we expect a record participation in terms of number of countries and ever increasing national and specialized sister-societies - and enjoying a bit of Italy. The congress facility in Rimini is very good and with plenty of space and professional support. Rimini is in a beautiful part of the country. I know that obtaining travel funds is becoming increasingly more difficult. But, with the very favorable exchange rate (not only in respect to the German mark, but to the US dollar too) and the present economic trend, Italy should be reasonable and very affordable with Rimini, in particular, a very good bargain.
Recently, June 9 and 10, ISAC Council met to discuss and decide on several of the many issues facing ISAC now and in the future. In particular, I would like to underline that Council carefully reviewed recommendations from the Clinical Cytometry Division (CCD) regarding its structure, its evolving role in ISAC, its relation within the US with the Clinical Cytometry Society, and the current and future needs of clinically oriented members of the society. Council agreed that the proposals advanced by the clinical members must be adequately answered and that clinically-oriented structure and objectives should cover an international latitude. The point was made that CCD should not be a "society within a society", but that clinically oriented members should be democratically represented and satisfied. Council agreed that these members will no longer pay additional dues for activities related to their clinical interests. The 1996 ISAC budget will be modified to allocate funds to support programs of clinical interest.
The exact structure of this group will be an issue taken up by the Constitutional Committee; representatives from CCD will become an integral part of the committee for this purpose.
Additionally, it is expected that the Constitutional Committee will propose modifications to the Constitution and Bylaws to address some simplification of the documents to allow more flexibility for the governing of ISAC in the future (for instance, in deciding and modifying role and composition of committees).
Council was also informed of the hard work carried out by the Scientific Communications Committee and the Cytometry Editor Search Committee to identify an appropriate ISAC member to take the role of Cytometry Editor in January of 1998. Details on the activities of these committees appear elsewhere in this newsletter. Surely, it will be hard to find a replacement for Brian Mayall; his role in the birth and growth of Cytometry will never be forgotten.
Many other issues were discussed by Council. In particular, I would like to highlight the full entrance of ISAC onto the WWW, with David Coder appointed editor of our homepage; the confirmation of a "new" role of the Scientific Advisory Committee for organizing the main ISAC off-year meeting, and for reviewing all proposals for society sponsorship of meetings (a form for requesting such sponsorship is available at the Society Office); and the review of the important works carried out by the Scientific Communications Committee and by the Finance Committee. I would like to stress how important the role of the latter committee is, considering that society evolution is strictly linked to, and must be made compatible with, the society budget (that is, mainly, with membership fees).
Finally, I would like to inform you that I attended, together with two other society members (M. Ormerod and A. Khalifa) as invited speakers, the congress of the Japan Cytometry Society (JCS) on June 23 and 24 in Morioka, in the northern part of Honshu (Japan). In my case, the invitation was clearly not only to the person, but a recognition of the international role of ISAC; and I am very grateful to Prof. I. Nishiya for the invitation and to him and his collaborators for their hospitality. More important, I was a witness of the growth of our Japanese colleagues in the field, of their request of international scientific co-operation, and of the capability of the largest national cytometry society in the world.
Analytical cytology keeps growing in the world, as demonstrated by the regional educational events being planned, among others, in the next months, in Costa Rica (for Latin America) and in Egypt.
You can contact me on the net at:
Francesco Mauro, President, ISAC
Several awards will be presented during the Rimini Congress. More information about these awards and application forms are available in the Pre-Program booklet. The awards are:
Student Grants:
A limited number of grants are available to assist Society student members to attend the Congress in Rimini. Students who wish to apply for a grant must file an application with the Society Office.
Student Poster Awards:
Following a policy begun at Colorado Springs, in Rimini the Society will present Outstanding Poster Awards for a limited number of qualified posters presented by students, Institutional Fellows, or Post Doc's. This award will consist of a certificate and $100. To qualify for this award, an application must be filed with the Society office.
Outstanding Student Award:
An Outstanding Student Award will be available for presentation to a student member of the Society. This award will recognize continuing outstanding performance by a student with service to the field and to the Society. This is a competitive award which is available to qualified student members. If an award is made it will be presented at the banquet and will consist of a plaque, a check for $1,000, and recognition in the Society's journal.
Presidential Award for Excellence:
To provide encouragement for younger scientists to enter the field of analytical cytology and join the Society and to recognize excellence in their activities, the Society has available a Presidential Award for Excellence which may be presented to one or more of its outstanding younger members. This is a competitive award which will be presented at the banquet and will consist of a plaque, a check for $1,000, and recognition at the Congress and in the Society's journal.
Applicants who wish further information about the Presidential Award for Excellence or about the Outstanding Student Award may contact the Society's Secretary, Phillip Dean by email at, by phone at (510) 455-4261, or by FAX at (510) 455-9619.
More information about all of these awards can be found in the Congress information booklet.
Phillip Dean, Secretary
The SCC is one of the most important and active committees in ISAC. Our duties and responsibilities include advising the ISAC Council on all matters pertaining to the policies of the ISAC publications: Cytometry, Communications in Clinical Cytometry, Current Protocols, the STEP Program and the ISAC World Wide Web home page. The Committee reviews Editorial Board suggestions from the Editor of each publication and forwards recommendations to Council.
The committee reviews all publications contracts and works closely with the Finance Committee on all contractual matters that concern the financial aspects of the contracts. The SCC also reviews and serves as an Advisory body for the ISAC Congress Scientific Tutorials.
A subcommittee of the SCC was formed at Lake Placid with the specific charge of inviting ISAC members to submit applications for the position of Editor of Cytometry starting January 1998, reviewing those applications, interviewing applicants, and making recommendations for the position to Council. Jim Watson is the Search Committee Chair. I serve as a member of the Committee along with Peter Rabinovitch and Mariano La Via. Brian Mayall is an advisor to the Committee. The new Editor will be named at the ISAC Congress in Rimini, Italy in April of 1996.
Our SCC members are James Jett, Keiji Kawamoto, Marcello Spano, Harald Steen, Hans Tanke and James Watson along with Editors of Cytometry, Current Protocols and the STEP Program serving as Advisors to the Committee.
Peter Vooijs, Chair
ISAC XVIII Abstracts on the Internet
The creation of a World Wide Web Home Page for ISAC provides the opportunity for members of ISAC to view abstracts submitted to the upcoming Rimini Congress via the Internet. This will help members preview presentations prior to the meeting and make attendance planning more efficient.
Abstracts of Rimini presentations can be added to the ISAC Home Page data base via an electronic form that will be on the ISAC Web Page. Abstracts received electronically will be checked prior to placement in the on-line data base. Submission of abstracts to the WWW data base is not an alternate means of registering for the meeting. You must use the forms in the enclosed registration packet, or submit your abstract on plain paper following the instructions of page 17 of the Pre Program, and mail them to the Society Office.
Another form on the Web Page can then be used to search the entire collection, retrieve those that satisfy any criteria--author, title, and/or subjects. The entire collection can also be browsed like any paper publication. Once subjects and abstract numbers have been assigned by the conference organizers, we will update the data base to include these additional classifiers. (For those who have not used forms-based pages, your Web browser makes the screen look like a paper form that you can complete.)
There will also be a brief tutorial on the Web page describing how to add abstracts to and retrieve abstracts from the data base. As the size and complexity of the Congress have increased, we hope that this service will ease the task of finding the presentations of interest to each of you thus making the Congress an even more informative, and perhaps less exhausting meeting.
Additional information concerning the on-line abstract project is contained in the meeting registration packet, and further announce-ments will be placed in the ISAC Web Page as well as the Cytometry Mailing List, and Cytometry.
Information on the ISAC XVIII Congress in Rimini, Italy can be seen at:
Dave Coder
Editor, ISAC WWW Home Page
Polish Cytometry Society was established on June 21, 1995 on the occasion of the Educational Cytometry Course and Workshop, which was organized at the Institute of Oncology in Warsaw, Poland, June 19-21. The ISAC speakers who volunteered to teach at the Course were Maria Pallavicini, Gunter Valet, Jolanta Kunicka, Hanna Sovalat and Zbigniew Darzynkiewicz; each gave two or three presentations. The Course was supported, in part, by Becton-Dickinson. About 80 charter members of the Society have elected Professor Jerzy Kawiak the President of the Society. The Society will seek an affiliation with ISAC. Many participants of the Course expressed their gratitude to ISAC and to Wiley-Liss for the complimentary subscriptions of CYTOMETRY, which enormously help them in their research.
Best wishes,
Zbyszek Darzynkiewicz, Past President
A subcommittee of the Clinical Cytometry Division Education Committee is collecting information about Analytical Cytology Courses that are taught on a consistent basis and are open for enrollment on a national/inter-national /regional basis, i.e., semester-long institutional courses are excluded.
Please send information to:
James W. Jacobberger
Case Western Reserve University
Cancer Research Center
10900 Euclid Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44106-4494
Phone: 216-368-4645
FAX: 216-368-3432
Anne Hurley
Box 393
18 Lillian Way
Carver, MA 02330
Phone: 508-481-1341
FAX: 405-271-3118
Marilyn Owens
Biomedical Consulting Group
34062-B El Encanto
Dana Point, CA 92629
Phone: 714-661-9870
FAX: 714-661-1854
Flow Cytometrist Supervisor
Urgent need for Flow Cytometrist Supervisor with a large Clinical Reference Laboratory in Los Angeles, CA.
For immediate consideration, contact:
Dr. Arlene R. Barro
Phone: 310/284-8888
FAX resume: 310/284-3409
XII Riunione Nationale de Citometria
Gli oggetti, gli strumenti e gli indirizzi della Citometria
18 - 20 October 1995
Centro Congressi Cocumella
Sant'Agnello di Sorrento, Italy
Segreteria GIC
c/o Unità Epidemiologia Ambientale
ENEA, C.R. Casaccia s.p. 16
Via Anguillarese, 301
00060 Roma, Italy
Tel: 39/6-30484671
Fax: 39/6-30486559
Segreteria Organizzativa
Via Duomo, 23
05018 Orvieto, Italy
Tel: 39/763-41555
Fax: 39/763-44228
8th Annual San Antonio Flow Cytometry Forum
December 8, 1995
The 8th Annual San Antonio Flow Cytometry Forum will consist of seven seminars from the podium and one luncheon lecture, covering a broad spectrum of Cytometry topics.
San Antonio Marriott Riverwalk
711 E. Riverwalk
San Antonio, TX 78205
Reservations: 210/224-4555
FAX: 210/228-0548
Singles $119, Doubles, Triples, Quads $124
All reservations MUST be made by November 17, 1995.
Steven K. Koester, Director
FAX: 210/692-7502
Marilyn Acre, Meeting Coordinator
210/493-5615 leave message
General Mailing Address:
Cancer Therapy & Research Center
Attn: Steven K. Koester
8122 Datapoint Drive, Suite 700
San Antonio, TX 78229
Royal Microscopical Society Flow Cytometry Course
University of Cambridge
17 -22 September 1995
Course Organizers:
Dr. M.G. Ormerod, Reigate
Dr. M. Lowdell, Royal Free Hospital Medical School
Basic Course:
Monday 18 - Wednesday 20 September 1995
Advanced Course:
Wednesday 20 - Friday 22 September 1995
Combined Course:
Monday 18 - Friday 22 September 1995
The Administrator
The Royal Microscopical Society
37/38 St. Clements
Oxford OX4 1AJ
Tel: (0865) 248768
Fax: (0865) 791237
The Sociedad Mexicana de Citofluorografía and The Sociedad Ibérica de Citometría
San José de Costa Rica
Costa Rica
21 - 23 September 1995
(ISAC sponsored meeting on Cytometry)
Dr. Alejandro Ruiz-Argüelles
Laboratorios Clínicos de Puebla
Díaz Ordaz 808
Puebla, Pue. 72530 México
Tel: (5222) 43.84.28
(5222) 37.37.91