Network Starting Points
Access to network starting points require access to appropriate web server
Exploring the following are selected home pages will give you a good introduction
into the many resources available through the World Wide Web.
Starting Points
MetaCrawler - Allows a search of multiple Web indices in parallel and provides
sophisticated pruning options.
Yahoo - A browsable and searchable listing of the Web.
Lycos - Searches abstracts of documents, using the title, headings,
subheadings, links, the 100 highest weighted words, and the first 20 lines.
WebCrawler - This robot searches the WebCrawler
database, which is indexed by content and not just title or URL.
Alta Vista - Search the Web and Usenet newsgroups.
InfoSeek - Free Net Search Service.
DejaNews Research Service - Search postings to Usenet newsgroups.
Excite NetSearch - Search full text of Web pages, the last two weeks of Usenet
newsgroups, and online classified ads.
Scout Toolkit - Identify the network tools most appropriate for your needs.
The WWW Virtual Library - A subject catalog.
Index to Multimedia Information Sources
University Home Pages
Exhibitions and Museums
Fun Stuff
Interesting Home Pages
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Last modified: Thu Jan 11 15:07:07 PST 1996