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Reference Areas in Cytometry
Educational Programs in Cytometry
- STEP (Specialty Training and Education Program of ISAC)
NOTE: This area still under construction
1. Reference Books in Flow Cytometry
Flow Cytometry
The following books are mostly related to general flow cytometry. Clinical books can be accessed
under the "Clinical Reference Books" section. I will add
Image/confocal books soon to section 2 below. The information listed is not exhaustive, and only
intended to give some quick reference information. The order chosen to display the
books was somewhat arbitary and does not constitute a priority list. Please send me
a message if any information needs to be corrected (
I will be adding short summaries for each book listed - some are already here. These are not
formal reviews of the books. For more information about each book, click on the title.
2. Reference Books in Confocal Microscopy & Image Analysis
...not yet complete...)
If you have comments about this page, you can send an email message directly to me.
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now to J.Paul Robinson:
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For information contact J.Paul Robinson, Ph.D., Director PUCL,
1515 Hansen B050, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
47907-1515, U.S.A. Phone: (317) 494-0757; Fax: (317) 494-0517;