School of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Purdue University

Post-Doctoral Fellow Profile

Jim Whitfield PhD

Position: Post-Doctoral Fellow - Basic Medical Sciences

Research Interests
Hello, I am particularly interested in articular cartilage, specifically in the elucidation of the complex mechanisms of the articular cartilage chondrocyte-extracellular matrix interaction in the pathogenesis of degenerative joint disease including. Using a variety of techniques we are looking at both normal and diseased tissue collected from both humans and various domestic species of animals. We are specifically interested in:

1. Immunophenotyping of chondrocytes from normal and arthritic cartilage
Specifically we are addressing the development of a comprehensive library of the cell surface antigens present on chondrocytes collected from healthy and diseased tissue through the use of immunofluorescent confocal microscopy and flow cytometry.

2. Basal and stimulated production of reactive oxygen species in situ by articular cartilage chondrocytes
Inappropriate or pathologic formation of reactive oxygen species has been implicated in the destruction of a wide variety of extracellular matrices. We are specifically interested in the relationship the chondrocyte shares with the 3- dimensional environment of the cartilage and whether alteration of this environment due to age and disease promote increased production of reactive oxygen products and enhance subsequent degeneration of both the chondrocyte and the cartilage.

3. Localization and analysis of estrogen receptors on articular cartilage chondrocytes
We are looking at the presence of estrogen receptors on articular cartilage chondrocytes with specific emphasis on age related changes in number and activity of these receptors and the role these changes may have in predisposing individuals to degenerative joint diseases.

4. Apoptosis in articular and epiphyseal cartilage chondrocytes
We are specifically interested in understanding if chondrocytes undergo apoptosis; if so, is the method of apoptosis similiar to that of other cell types and does age of the individual and pre-existing orthopedic pathologies affect the apoptotic process.

I would be happy to hear comments, suggestions or criticisms from anyone with an interest in cartilage, chondrocytes, degenerative joint diseases in humans or animals, from University of Kentucky basketball fans, dinosaur enthusiasts, or simply interesting people. I can be reached by E-mail at

Curriculum Vitae

James R. Whitfield

Current Address:
P.O. Box 72
Montmorenci, IN 47926-0072
PH: (317)-583-2911

Permanent Address:
53 Nimhan Circle
Carmel, NY 10512
PH: (914)-225-6067

Biographical Information:
DOB 07/20/63

Business Address:
Department of Basic Medical Sciences
Purdue University Cytometry Laboratory
School of Veterinary Medicine
B050 Hansen Hall
West Lafayette, IN 47907-1515
PH: (317)-494-0757, FAX: (317)-494-0517
Send an email message now to Jim Whitfield

Educational Experience:

10/01/94 - Present
Research Associate
Department of Basic Medical Sciences
School of Veterinary Medicine

02/01/94 - 09/31/94
United States Public Health Service
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Department of Medicine and Biology
University of California at San Diego

1990-1994 Ph.D. awarded 01/21/94
Ph.D. Program, University of Kentucky
Department of Veterinary Science
(Anatomy and Biomechanics)
The Maxwell H. Gluck Equine Research Center

Dissertation Title: The histology, ultrastructure and phagocytic capabilities of synoviocytes of normal and Freunds' complete adjuvant treated carpometacarpal and metacarpophalangeal joints of the horse

1987 - 1990
M.S. Program, University of Kentucky
Department of Veterinary Science
(Anatomy and Biomechanics)
The Maxwell H. Gluck Equine Research center

Thesis Title: An investigation into the use of computed tomography, strain gauges and computer aided design and engineering on the distal equine limb

1983 - 1987
B.S. Program, Delaware Valley College
Department of Animal Science (Nutrition)

1977 - 1981
New York State Honors/Regents Diploma
John F. Kennedy High School

Refereed Publications:
Whitfield, J.R. and D.H. Leach. A computer enhanced computed tomographic, angiographic and radiographic analysis of normal tarsal joint vasculature of the horse. Veterinary Radiology. (accepted for publication)

Manuscripts in Preparation:

Whitfield, J.R. and D.H. Leach. The relationship of cartilage canal formation and necrosis and the formation of osteonecrosis dissecans (OCD) in the horse.

Whitfield, J.R. and D.H. Leach. The ultrastructure and phagocytic capabilities of synoviocytes of the metacarpalphalangeal joint: A scanning and electron microscopic study.

Whitfield, J.R. and K.B. Poonacha. Morphometry and histology of the cervical vertebral process in yearling equines with and without cervical vertebral instability (Wobbler Syndrome).

Abstracts in Proceedings: Whitfield, J.R., K.N. Thompson and J.R. Ronney. (1989) A non-invasive technique for the measurement of hoof wall deformation. 11th equine nutrition and physiology symposium, Oklahoma State University. pp. 15-16.

Whitfield, J.R., K.N. Thompson and J.R. Rooney. (1991) The use of computed tomography and computer reconstructions in the study of equine musculoskeletal biomechanics. 18th annual conference of the Veterinary Orthopedic Research Society, Snowmass, Colorado. p. 10.

Whitfield, J.R. and D.H. Leach. (1992) A computer enhanced angiographic and microradiographic analysis of normal and OCD-altered tarsal joint vasculature. 1st International Conference on Equine Osteochondrosis, Cambridge, England. p. 46.

Whitfield, J.R., R.E. Errington and J.P. Robinson. Basal and stimulated production of reactive oxygen species in situ by articular cartilage chondrocytes. To be presented at: International Society of Analytical Cytology, Rimini, Italy. April 11th - 15th, 1996.

Whitfield, J.R. and J.P. Robinson. Apoptosis in articular and epiphyseal cartilage chondrocytes. To be presented at: International Society of analytical Cytology, Rimini, Italy. April 11th - 15th, 1996.

Workshops Attended: Cartilage Mechanics Workshop. The Combined Meeting of the Orthopedic Research Societies of the United States, Japan and Canada. Banff, Alberta, Canada. Oct. 21st - 23rd, 1991.

Equine Osteochondrosis Workshop. First International Conference on Equine Osteochondrosis. Girton College, Cambridge, England, Sept. 25th - 27th, 1992.

Bone Morphometry Workshop. Sixth International Congress on Bone Morphometry. Lexington KY. USA. Oct. 4th - 9th, 1992.

Third Symposium on Undecalcified Bone Technology. Indianapolis IN, USA. June 8th - 10th, 1995.

Teacher-Oriented Workshops:

Teachers-on-Teaching Series Student-teacher relationships Designing instruction Techniques for using instructional technology Lecturing techniques Subjective tests and assigning grades

Problem Based Learning: Methods of Application and Learning

Diversity in the Classroom: Implications for Teaching and Learning

Using the Internet and the World Wide Web in the Classroom: Implications for Teaching

Visiting with the Queen at the Equine Osteochondrosis meetings
Surfing in Mexico with Drs. David Hankey and Gethin Thomas

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For information about the Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories contact: J.Paul Robinson, Director, PUCL, Hansen Hall, B050, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. 47907. Ph: (317) 494 0757; Fax (317) 494 0517. Send an email message to Dr.Robinson at