Sherry Lynn Voytik-Harbin, MSEE, PhD

Home Address:
113 Red Cloud Trail # 905
Lafayette, IN 47905
(317) 449-8293

Work Address:
Hillenbrand Biomedical Enginnering Center
Hansen B050
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907
(317) 494 7852

Date of Birth: November 12, 1964; Muncie, Indiana

Nationality: U. S. Citizen

Marital Status: Married, November 12, 1994

Husband: Scot A. Harbin (DVM, 1994)


Muncie Central High School, Muncie, IN 1983

Indiana University, Bloomington, IN

B.S., Biochemistry (Honors), 1987

Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

M.S., Electrical Engineering, 1989

Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

Ph.D., Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology, 1992


March 1996- Senior Research Scientist, Hillenbrand Biomedical

Present Engineering Center, Purdue University, W. Lafayette, Indiana

July 1992- Associate Research Scholar, Hillenbrand Biomedical

March 1996 Engineering Center, Purdue University, W. Lafayette, Indiana

September 1989- Research Associate, Hillenbrand Biomedical

July 1992 Engineering Center, Purdue University, W. Lafayette, Indiana

August 1991- Tutor, Intercollegiate Athletics,

August 1993 Purdue University, W. Lafayette, Indiana

August 1987- Research Assistant, Hillenbrand Biomedical

August 1989 Engineering Center, Purdue University, W. Lafayette, Indiana

May 1986- Research Assistant/Laboratory Technician, Department, August 1987 of Biochemistry, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana


· Biomedical Engineering

· Tissue Engineering/Biomaterials

· Extracellular Matrix

· Wound Healing/Tissue Remodeling

· Thrombosis and Thrombolysis

· Skeletal Muscle Development and Transformation

· Osteogenesis and Osteoinduction

· Tumor Metastasis/Invasion


· Valedictorian (1983)

· Oliver W. Storer Scholarship (1983)

· Aid Association for Lutherans Scholarship (1983)

· Indiana Hoosier Scholarship (1984)

· Indiana University Special Scholarship (1984)

· Harry G. Day Summer Research Scholarship (1986)

· Harry G. Day Academic Scholarship (1986)

· All-American Collegiate Academic Award (1987)

· Merck Award (1987)

· Indiana University Senior Award (Top Biochemistry Major) (1987)

· Indiana university Alumni Association Academic Achievement Award (1987)

· Outstanding Senior Award from the American Institute of Chemists Student Research and Recognition Foundation, Inc. (1987)

· Graduated from Indiana University with Highest Distinction (1987)

· Phi Beta Kappa

· Geddes-Laufman Greatbatch Award (1990-1991)


1995- Present Toastmasters Club, Tippecanoe Talkers

1995- Present Purdue University Cancer Center

1992- Present Hillenbrand Biomedical Engineering Center, Faculty Member


Name Degree Date Department

Kristi Feldhaus MS Sought Biology (Major Professor)

Jason Hodde PhD Sought Basic Medical Sciences

Karen Cornell PhD Sought Basic Medical Sciences

Tina Owen MS Sought Veterinary Clinical Sciences


1995 Biomedical Engineering Restructuring Committee, Purdue University


[1] Honor's Thesis: Isolation, Characterization and Sequencing of a Cytoplasmic Ribosomal Protein cDNA from Neurospora crassa. May, 1987.

[2] Master's Thesis: A Simple Electrical Model of the Human Circulatory System to Explore Design Parameters for a Skeletal Muscle Ventricle. August, 1989.

[3] Ph.D. Thesis: Expression of Four Muscle Regulatory Factor Genes in Normal and Denervated Adult Rat Hindlimb Muscles. August, 1992.


[1] Badylak S.F., Voytik, S., Klabunde, R.E, et al. Bolus dose response characteristics of single chain urokinase plasminogen activator and tissue plasminogen activator in a dog model of arterial thrombosis. Thromb Res 1988; 52:295-312.

[2] Voytik S.L., Babbs, C.F., and Badylak, S.F. A simple electrical model of the circulation to explore design parameters for a skeletal muscle ventricle. J Heart Trans 1990; 9:160-74.

[3] Voytik S., Badylak S.F., Burke, S., Klabunde, R.E., Henkin, J., and Simmons, A. The protective effect of heparin in a dog model of rethrombosis following pharmacologic thrombolysis. Thrombosis and Haemostasis 1990; 64:438-44.

[4] Badylak S.F., Voytik, S.L., Henkin, J., Burke, S.E., Sasahara, A.A., and Simmons, A. Enhancement of the thrombolytic efficacy of prourokinase by lys-plasminogen in a dog model or arterial thrombosis. Thromb Res 1991; 62:115-126.

[5] Badylak S.F., Voytik, S.L., Henkin, J., Burke, S.E., Sasahara, A.A., and Simmons, A. The beneficial effects of lys-plasminogen upon the thrombolytic efficacy of urokinase in a dog model of peripheral arterial thrombosis. Haemostasis 21:278; 1991.

[6] Voytik, S.L., Przyborski, M., Badylak, S.F. and S.F. Konieczny. Differential Expression of Muscle Regulatory Factor Genes in Normal and Denervated Adult Rat Hindlimb Muscles. Developmental Dynamics 198:214-224; 1993.

[7] Prevel, C.D., Eppley, B.L., McCarty, M., Jackson, J.R., Voytik, S.L, Hiles, M.C., and Badylak, S.F. Experimental Evaluation of Small Intestine Submucosa as a Microvascular Graft Material. Microsurgery 15: 586-591, 1994.

[8] Badylak, S.F., Tullius, R., Kokini, K., Shelbourne, K.D., Klootwyck, T., S. Voytik, Kraine, M.R., and Simmons, C. The Use of Xenogeneic Small Intestinal Submucosa as a Biomaterial for Achille's Tendon Repair in a Dog Model J. Biomed. Mat. Res. 29:977-985, 1995.

[9] Clarke, K.M., Lantz, G.C., Salisbury, S.K., Badylak, S.F., Hiles, M.C., Voytik, S.L. Intestine Submucosa and Polypropylene Mesh for Abdominal Wall Repair in Dogs. J. Surg. Res. 60:107-114, 1996.

[10] Voytik-Harbin, S.L., Brightman, A.O., Waisner, B., Lamar, C., and Badylak S.F. Application and Evaluation of the Alamar Blue Assay for Cell Growth and Survival of Fibroblasts. (In Preparation).


[1] Studies of skeletal muscle ventricle function in an electrical model of the circulation. Presented at the First Purdue Conference on Cardiac Assistance with Skeletal Muscle, West Lafayette, IN, 1988. Published in J Heart Transplantation 7:319; 1988.

[2] The synergistic effect of lys-plasminogen and single chain urokinase in an animal model of arterial thrombosis. American Heart Association 62nd Scientific Sessions, New Orleans, 1989. Published in Circulation 1989; 80:865.

[3] Increased thrombolytic activity following lys-plasminogen administration in a dog model of arterial thrombosis. American heart Association 63rd Scientific Sessions, Dallas, TX, 1990. Published in Circulation 1990; 82:III-600.

[4] Increased thrombolytic efficacy of UK following lys-plasminogen administration in a dog model of peripheral arterial thrombosis. Presented poster at American Heart Association 63rd Scientific Sessions, Dallas, TX, 1990. Published in Circulation 1990; 82:III-770.

[5] Beneficial effect of lys-plasminogen upon the thrombolytic efficacy of UK in a dog model of peripheral arterial thrombosis. Presented poster at 10th International Congress on Fibrinolysis, Indianapolis, IN, 1990. Published in Fibrinolysis 1990; 4:III-137.

[6] The protective effect of lys-plasminogen against thrombosis in a dog model of arterial thrombosis. 10th International Congress on Fibrinolysis, Indianapolis, IN, 1990. Published in Fibrinolysis 1990; 4:III-50.

[7] Prevention of rethrombosis with hirugen in a dog model of arterial thrombosis. 10th International Congress on Fibrinolysis, Indianapolis, IN, 1990. Published in Fibrinolysis 1990; 4:III-9.

[8] Enhancement of the thrombolytic efficacy of prourokinase by lys-plasminogen in a dog model of arterial thrombosis. Presented at the American Heart Association meeting, Dallas, 1990. Published in Circulation 1990; 82:III-600.

[9] The synergistic effect of lys-plasminogen and single chain urokinase in an animal model of arterial thrombosis. American Heart Association. New Orleans, Nov, 1989. Published in Circulation 1989; 80:865.

[10] Small intestine submucosa (SIS): In vitro use as a dermal analogue for cultured epidermal autographs. American Burn Association, 25th Annual Meeting. Cincinnati, March 24-27, 1993.

[11] Direct Gene Transfer Into Regenerating Achilles' Tendon. Orthopedic Research Society, 1994.

[12] Induction of Ostogenic Activity by Small Intestinal Submucosa in Rat Calvaria Non- Union Defects. Presented poster at Keystone Symposia: Tissue Engineering. Taos, NM, January, 1996.


[1] Fluidized intestinal submucosa and its use as an injectable tissue graft; Patent No. 5,275,826 (Jan. 4, 1994).

[2] Tissue graft for surgical reconstruction of a collagenous meniscus and method therefor;

Patent No. 5,352,463 (Oct. 4, 1994).

[3] Bone graft composition; Patent Application filed Feb. 10, 1995.

[4] Composition and method for production of transformed cells; Patent Application filed Feb. 17, 1995.

[5] Submucosa as a growth substrate for cells; Patent Application filed Feb. 19, 1995.


[1] The use of a novel biomaterial as a gene transfer device. Howard Hughes Medical Institute (Co-Principal Investigator), December 1992, $10,000.

[2] Phase VII of research to study and to optimize the effect of thrombolytic agents in animal models of experimentally induced arterial thrombosis (Co-Principal Investigator).

Abbott Laboratories, March 1993, $149,601.

[3] A biomaterial to promote skin and wound healing (Co-Investigator). NIH, September 1993, $541,221.

[4] Research and technology development of SIS at Purdue University: Mechanism of action and other sources of SIS: New Patents (Co-Principal Investigator). Purdue University Trask Fund, September 1993, $202,467.

[5] Phase VIII of research to study and to optimize the effect of thrombolytic agents in animal models of experimentally induced arterial thrombosis (Co-Principal Investigator).

Abbott Laboratories, March 1994, $134,464.

[6] Factors which influence developmental biology (Co-Principal Investigator). Purdue University Jump-Start Fund, August 1994, $40,000.

[7] Tissue engineering technology (Co-Principal Investigator). Purdue University Trask Fund, September 1994, $190,574.

[8] Effect of local administration of urokinase via dispatch catheter on the thrombotic and wound healing response of injured porcine coronary arteries (Principal Investigator).

Abbott Laboratories and SciMed, March 1995, $10,000.

[9] The use of intestinal submucosa as a novel ECM substrate in an in vitro model of

ECM-tumor cell interaction (Principal Investigator). American Cancer Society, August 1995, $10,000.

[10] Validation studies of compositional and structural properties of SIS (Principal Investigator). Cook Biotech Inc., September, 1995, $100,000.

[11] Tissue engineering aspects of SIS (Co-Principal Investigator). Cook Biotech Inc., September, 1995, $399,999.