Transatlantic www-net information transport may require substantial time due to the slow transfer rates (0-5Kbyte/sec) and to long waiting times between the transport of individual data packages.
Forward and backward jumping between the addressed www-pages requires additional data transport because the browser's caching capacities are limited by the amount of free hard disk space.
The concept of the subsequent access buttons is to mirror the main pages of the respective nodes. Images and subfiles are not contained in the Martinsried mirror site i.e. the: "Autoload Images" function in the "Options" menu of the browser program should be switched off. This setting should be fixed by the "Save Options" command prior to the access of the mirror site in order to profit from the increased data transfer speed (10-100Kbyte/sec) within Europe.
Images of interest can be separately loaded at any time by pressing the "Images" button of the browser.