Internet Control Programs


- Programs WS_FTP and WS_FTP32 permit the semiautomated FTP (file transfer protocol) transfer of files under 16bit or 32bit Windows versions as "anonymous" users. Following unzipping, the command line option of WS_FTP enables the installation of

multiple WS_FTP icons

in the Windows user surface. Each icon calls a specific site. Calling several icons at a time starts the simultaneous file transfer. The WS_ program series was developed by J.A.Junod and the newest updates can be dowloaded from the USMA FTP site. The transfer from this site at least to Europe is usually very slow. Fast responding mirror sites are e.g. SimTel or in Europe the University Paderborn.

- Program AUTONET effects the FTP(anonymous) file transfer via telephone line modem automatically according to a preconfigured command list

- Programs WS_PING and WSPING32 permit lookups of either the numeric or the mnemonic address of Internet computers. The program furthermore checks their on-line presence by sending short "ping" byte sequences and by measuring their roundtrip time to the remote computer.

- Program WS_WATCH is a useful 32 bit program for the control of network performance. CytometryNet sites can be displayed as a map according to geographical location. Their functionality as well as the proper function of network routing computers in universities or larger institutions is sequentially checked by clicking on the "check" button. A sequence of "ping" and "trace" commands is sent to each of the locations. Green stained sites are reachable without problems while red stained sites are either inaccessible or only reached with substantial delays. A log file registers the performance of individual nodes. The attached series of

screen dumps

gives an impression of the performance of this easily configurable program.

- Program PW1118.EXE is required to run the 32bit WS_ programs on 16bit WINDOWS user surfaces like WINDOWS3.1. PW1118.EXE is a self extracting file. Following extraction, the WIN32s sockets are installed by using the "File Run" option of the WINDOWS Program Manager to execute the enclosed SETUP.EXE program. The 32bit software sockets regulate the internal 32 to 16bit and 16 to 32 data conversions. Their installation permits execution of other 32bit programs in 16bit WINDOWS user surfaces. The PW1118.EXE file can also be downloaded directly from Microsoft but this FTP site is usually very busy.

For problems or comments, please contact:
G.Valet E-mail:, Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie, Am Klopferspitz 18a, D-82152 Martinsried, Germany, Tel: +49/89/8578-2518, -2525, Fax: +49/89/8578-2563
INTERNET address:
Last update: Feb.27, 1996