Highlights of WinList 2.0 Save and Load Protocol function Automatic region assignment when loading region files Increase in re-acquiring speed Mode and Median analysis results Enhanced macro looping capabilities Color density two parameter display Windows fonts for region names User-defined region names More powerful Multigraph capabilities A macro tool box for one button analysis of your favorite macros Integrated QuickCal conversions of parameters Histogram subtraction and dValue calculation Printer setup dialog box Improved software-based N-Color compensation Better alignment of results columns on screen and printouts New and revised tutorials Hundreds of additional search keywords in the on-line help reference Boolean buttons for Edit Gates Background color for Results Windows Right button histogram options popup menu Copy data source option Hundreds of other operational changes to enhance ease of use Highlights of some changes in WinList version 2.0 Save and Load Protocol Function This new feature allows the user to setup a typical analysis screen just the way they want (all the files, histograms, gates, results, Multigraph) and with one click WinList will automatically create a text-based macro that can reconstruct the exact screen setup. This macro can now be used as a startup protocol then subsequent data analysis can be run through this setup. You can even have several macros saved under different names for each type of analysis. With the new batch processing and protocol setup power of your macros, ease of use and high volume data throughput can be a reality. Enhanced macro looping capabilities - A more macro commands have been added. - Added feature to RepeatUntil macro command. The last argument can now be an internal WinList keyword, if that keyword returns a number. For example, RepeatUntil 10 [COUNTER1] >= [COUNTER2]. WinList will evaluate both [COUNTER1] and [COUNTER2] in this statement, and loop back to line 10 until counter 1 is greater than or equal to counter 2. - Added new internal keyword, [NEWLEVEL], which returns a 1 if the next batch file level differs from the current batch file level. It returns 0 if the levels are the same. This keyword can be useful in looping macros which use the RepeatUntil command to switch out of a loop when the next batch file is on a different (higher or lower) level. - Added new macro command, GetNumberRegions. This command takes as its argument a counter id, and sets that counter to the number of regions in the active histogram. It can be used for creating looping macros which loop depending on the number of regions in a histogram. - We've added a new macro command called ECHO that takes one argument. If the macro executes ECHO OFF, the screen will not be repainted until it sees an ECHO ON command. We automatically insert these two commands in the auto macro option. The net effect is an increase in speed in macro execution. - A new option appears in the Macro menu: Update Remote Links. This command works in conjunction with histograms and results windows which have remote DDE links to other programs. When histograms and results windows have Update Frequency set for On command, the only time they will be updated is when the users selects Update Remote Links from the macro menu, or a macro issues the equivalent command. This gives the user greater control over when remote DDE scripts are executed. Color density two parameter display - We've added a new feature to 2 parameter histograms called Color Density. In Edit 2P Histogram dialog box you will notice two new controls. The On checkbox in the Color Density group box will turn it on and the Max Levels edit box controls the number of levels. When you turn it on, WinList will create a 2 parameter histogram and map the colors to palette colors 1..Max Levels. Windows fonts for region names - The region names now use standard Windows fonts. We also eliminated the box around the region names. The text that is shown on the histogram is actually the alias. This means that you can now change these names to more meaningful forms such as Lymphs or Monos. More powerful Multigraph capabilities The Multigraph system has been greatly overhauled. Images better reflect how they will print and you can now page thorough the Multigraph and view all of it's contents. Now with the click of the left mouse button you can move any of the images to a new location and the others will automatically reorganize. If you want to copy or delete a single element or all the elements of the Multigraph or you wish to print the Multigraph you can do this from a new pop-up menu activated with a click of the right button. You can now copy a Multigraph to the clipboard as a single metafile. The unified metafile can be pasted into programs accepting metafile (picture) format, and can be resized without jagged edges appearing. If the Multigraph has textual elements, the size of the font used for the elements is determined in Multigraph preferences by setting the # lines of text when copied. Since all members of a metafile are scaleable, the textual elements will shrink and grow as the metafile's size is changed. The text will remain proportional to the other elements. - Tiled Multigraph will now display "pages" of graphics on the screen, in the same way it will print multiple pages. Once the number of elements in the Multigraph exceeds one page worth, a scroll bar will appear which allows paging through the Multigraph. The page number will be displayed in the title bar. - Multigraphs now display in the title bar the name given to them when saved. - Added page numbers for multiple page Multigraph print outs. - We have changed the way we display and print textual elements of Multigraph windows so that columns of results should line up correctly, both on the screen and on the printed page. Integrated QuickCal conversions of parameters QuickCal for WinList. Currently this option works with Flow Cytometry Standards, Inc.’s Simply Cellular Beads. With a special disk supplied by FCSC, the user can automatically have WinList convert statistics from channels to Antibody Binding Capacity (ABC) units. Histogram subtraction and dValue calculation -WinList allows the user to perform histogram subtraction, where the control (negative) histogram is selected and subtracted from the current active (test) histogram. The dialog box can be accessed through the Edit Histogram dialog box, or from the histogram popup menu which appears when the right mouse button is clicked on a histogram. When activated, WinList will change the graphical display of the target histogram so that the outline of the original histogram appears, and the histogram resulting from the subtraction is displayed in the foreground. The title bar of the histogram will indicate that subtraction is on. Statistics include % Maximum Difference (also known as dValue, cumulative subtraction, and Overton method), dValue Histogram Channel Position: and % Positives (ECS Method): This statistic uses the Enhanced Cumulative Subtraction (ECS) method to determine the percentage of the test histogram which is positive, or what portion remains after histogram subtraction. The ECS method starts by calculating the dValue (see above). It then iterates toward a more exact solution. Background color for Results Windows - The background color for Results windows can now be set by entering Preferences, Miscellaneous Preferences dialog box and setting a value from 0-15 in the Results Color edit box. The numbers correspond to a palette ID number you want to display. By default, they use palette ID 0 (usually white). Some of the other operational changes to enhance ease of use. - Scaling of 1p histograms with the mouse now requires that the SHIFT key be held down prior to clicking the mouse in the y axis. - You can now draw 1p regions by clicking in the y axis area and dragging to the right. Previously, this would put you in Scaling mode. - Adjusting the print area rectangle with the mouse now requires that the SHIFT key be held down prior to clicking the mouse in the main client area of WinList. - The Save Datasource dialog box now supports the use of keywords, both internal and FCS, as names. For example, if you have a data source named 1234093.FCS, you can enter [FILEROOT].NEW as the file name in Save Datasource dialog, and WinList will save the file as 1234093.NEW. - Region label font color now can be set. This will enable the use of the new region labels on dark backgrounds. - When printing, WinList now displays the name of the printer and the port to which it is printing. - We've enhanced the default DDE scripts for two of our new products, ReticFit and ImmCalc. - You can now manually override the DDE time-out values which WinList uses. By default, WinList waits 10000 milliseconds for a DDE transaction. - a Set Batch Index button has been added to Load Batch. This will give you some control on resetting the batch index. - Speed of Quadstats calculations enhanced by about 40%.