> We are looking for something better than an HP paint-jet for color output
> from our Elite ESP (running Elite 4.0). Coulter tells us the paint-jet is
> the only option since they do not have drivers for other printers (the
> company that wrote the drivers went out of business). Has anyone else
> found a way to print directly from the Elite software to a laser-quality
> color printer?
We run the ELITE software in windows, which allows you to simply cut images
and paste them into any windows compatible graphics package. This has the
advantage that you can produce more effective figures for publication, as
the options with the Coulter software are rather limited (ie. crap) ypu can
then use any printer you like.
Recently we have experimented with Joe Trotters WinMDI program, which is
excellent both for analysing ELITE files, and for producing good printable
images with any printer you have. This is available by anonymous ftp from
flosun.salk.edu in the /pub/pc directory. Joe has recently upgraded the
program so you should get wmdi131.exe. I would recommend this to anyone
frustrated with the limited capability of ELITE software.
Have fun,
Mike Salmon
Birmingham University, UK
E-mail: salmonm@rheuma.bham.ac.uk
Tel: 44 (0)21 414 6780
FAX: 44 (0)21 414 6794