NK markers for baboons

David L. Haviland, Ph.D. (CLIVEG@niv.ac.za)
Sat, 18 Feb 1995 17:18:12 GMT+0200

In answer to Jim Henthorn


I have had extensive experience of measuring NK cells in the chacma
baboon. The human monoclonals we have used are: BD Leu 11b (anti-CD16)
which cross-reacts well; Coulter NKH1A (anti-CD56) or BD Leu 19 (anti-
CD56) which both cross-react nicely, the latter possibly more so. For
CD11b use Coulter Mo1 (it may be Mo2, I get confused). None of the
anti- CD57's I've tried work at all. For activated NK cells which
will express increased CD38, I've used OKT10 and it works well. I
have also found that the directly conjugated antibodies don't work as
nicely as the purified forms

I hope this helps

Clive Gray PhD
University of the Witwatersrand
South Africa

e-mail: cliveg@niv.ac.za

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