> Subject: Time:2:31 PM
> OFFICE MEMO High Speed Cell Sorters Date:3/27/95
> I am in the market for a high speed cell sorter. (The kind that can sort at
> 20,000 cells a second). Does anyone out there have one in place and
> operational? Any comments or suggestions will help. Thank you. ( I have
> quotes from BD, Coulter and Cytomation).
You may well have quotes, but I would be surprised if they have the
machines to sort at 20,000 cells per second. Whatever different
companies claim as a sorting rate most people I know who use machines
from any of these companies work nearer 1000 cells per second if they
need reasonably clean populations.
Have fun
Mike Salmon
Mike Salmon
Department of Rheumatology
The Medical School
University of Birmingham
Birmingham B15 2TT
United Kingdom
Tel: 44 (0)121 414 6780
Fax: 44 (0)121 414 6794