Re: Apoptosis / spectral shift
Dr Michael Ormerod (
Mon, 15 May 95 10:07:49 +0100
We published a report of spectral shift in apoptotic thymocytes in:
Ormerod MG, Sun X-M, Snowden RT, Davies R, Fearnhead HO & Cohen GM.
Increased membrane permeability of apoptotic thymocytes: a fow cytometric
study. Cytometry, 141, 595-602, 1993.
I suspect that the shift is due to increased binding of Hoechst 33342 to
the DNA because of the more rapid uptake of dye by the apoptotic cells.
I doubt if a differential effect between normal and apoptotic will be
observed in all cells.
Michael Ormerod
34 Wray Park Road,
Reigate RH2 ODE,
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