BrdU Incorporation
Thu, 28 Mar 1996 06:56:40 -0500 (EST)
In response to Maribel Leong's query about BrdU incorporation,
- A 2 hr. pulse is quite lengthy for a population with a doubling time of 12
hrs. Your %incorporation may be higher than %S phase because you now have
cells that incorporated BrdU in S phase but are now in G2/M or G1 (admitedly
with 1/2 the amount of BrdU, but would still be positive. Try a 1/2 hr. pulse.
- Don't try to determine %S phase from BrdU/PI double stained. The fixation
for BrdU ruins the G1 CV skewing all results. Use the double stain as a
correlation only.
- I only make up PI/detergent twice a year, so your previous advice sounds good
to me!
-John Tonkinson
-Lilly Research Labs
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