I want to add my support to Vince Shankey's comments and suggestions
concerning the role that ISAC should play in the use of flow cytometry for
studying apoptosis. I am frequently confronted by people who want to look
for apoptosis by flow and as an example show me a publication using
propidium iodide and looking for a hypodiploid "peak" ( or I must say
"region" because, unfortunately, there is really no peak that is detectable
in quite a few published histograms, even using log scale for analysis!).
The response I get when I point this out is, "Well, they got it
I would be very interested in topics dealing with apoptosis in human primary
cells and detection of apoptosis ex-vivo (tumours either in human or animal
I will be at Rimini and would be interested in participating in an informal
side gathering on this subject if it can be organized.
Kathie Woods-Cook
Pharma Research
Ciba Geigy Ltd.
Basle, Switzerland
email: Kathie.Woods-Cook@chbs.mhs.ciba.com
fax: ***41-61-696-33-89
voice: ***41-61-696-34-30