we have problems with our UV laser.
We use a Coulter Elite ESP with a He-Cd laser
from Omnichron for DNA measurements.
We start with a full CV measured with beads from
Coulter - DNA check - about 2.5 to 3. After half
a year, the CV increased to 5/6 and get worth.
Whats the experience from other groups with such
a laser. Is it suitable for DNA measurements?
Which full CV is "normal" or "acceptable". The
people from Coulter Germany are not able to test
the laser. Is it possible to test the laser by
myself and to get some objective data, if I have
to renew the tube?
Thanks in advance
Andreas Simm
Physiologische Chemie II
Biozentrum, am Hubland
D-97074 Wuerzburg
FAX: +49-931-888-4113
Tel: +49-931-888-4128
E-Mail: Simm@biozentrum.uni-wuerzburg.de