Let me add a short comment from a cytometrist outside the US:
It is not only a matter of a possibility of shutting down the Cytometry
Mailing List due to $$ shortage which terrifies me...
Imagine Poland, a country where flow cytometry just started for real in
last five years and is still perceived mostly as an (very) expensive
scientific toy rather than a routine diagnostic help...
Imagine a country where only about 0.6% of the GNP (a low one) is spent
yearly for science, and this rate has a strong downwards tendency with
each FY...
Imagine then a country building democracy, where consecutive governements
look to the US as to an example how it should be done (and sometimes
implement some ideas; rationale: what works for USA is good for us...)
Don't you think they will gladly buy the idea of further reducing spendings
for science?
> As a non-American who lives in, and benefits
> from the American research dollar, I can assure my colleagures from
> outside the US that pressure on our congressional reps is vital and
> necessary to continued $$ in research.
I sign both hands under this. I only wish we could press on *our* reps this
Sorry for another stretch to the bandwidth!
Jacek M. Witkowski MD, PhD
DEpartment of Histology
Medical University of Gdansk, Poland