Ethernet/Epinet card needed

Jacek Witkowski (
Thu, 1 Jun 1995 14:58:44 +0200 (MET DST)

Hi everybody!

We are using an EPICS CS sorter which works OK, but has only an old, very
slow and very full 40 MB hard drive onboard. We would like to connect it
to a fast PC for online data acquisition and analysis, which requires an
EPINET (Ethernet) card to be plugged inside the EPICS (we do have another
one going into the PC). Does anybody have the thing mothballed in the attic
and would be willing to give it out/ rent/ lent/ or sell... or knows about
a cheap source of these? Local Coulter people were not very helpful in this...

Many thanks in advance for any help!

Dr. Jacek M. Witkowski MD, Ph.D.,
Flow Cytometry Laboratory
Department of Histology
Medical University of Gdansk
80-211 Gdansk, Poland

phone 48 (58) 323 673
fax 48 (58) 316 115

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