I have now been using winMDI for a few weeks and am impressed with its
graphics capability on screen, and its intuitive use of drop-in/drop-down
menus. The problem is printing the formatted page with up to 8 histogram
It is apallingly slooooow!.... Neal Benson has suggested the use of
SuperQueue/SuperPrint to speed things up.. has anyone else got any
suggestions? The printers in use are a HP Deskjet 500C (for colour) and a
rather nice Apple Laserwriter 16/600PS (for black and white). What's
printing like from CellQuest on the Mac, is this also slow, especially for
colour? The fact that the HP9000/340 can spool so efficiently implies that
some work must have gone into this part of Lysis II.
Any suggestions greatly appreciated!
Thanks... Don
Snail to:
Dr Don Healey BSc. PhD.
BDA Research Fellow
Dept. of Pathology
Cambridge University
Tennis Court Road
Cambridge CB 1QP
TEL: 0223 333716
FAX: 0223 333914