Re: Right angle scatter with UV laser line?

Dean Hewish (
Thu, 12 Oct 1995 10:08:01 +1000

>We don't do that much UV on our flow but I've just across what seems to
>be a problem and I knew someone out there could help.
>Do you not get right angle light scatter (or very little of it) when
>using the UV line?

My Elite has a dichroic filter that excludes the UV line from the side
scatter detector. To get wavelength independent side scatter, I made an
angled reflector using a glass cover slip glued into a spare filter holder.
This directs a small proportion of the light into the side scatter detector
and lets the rest through to the other detectors. It works just fine and
also gives a side scatter signal with the red HeNe laser.
I assume that some arrangement like this is possible on most machines.

The Elite has a 488nm filter ahead of the forward scatter detector. This
must be removed when working at other wavelengths.

Good Luck,

Dean R. Hewish, Cell Biologist & Flow Cytometrist. ( and Amateur Malacologist)
CSIRO Biomolecular Engineering, 343 Royal Parade, Parkville, 3052,
Victoria Australia.

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