... and yes it worked, well the progam ran without any memory
problems in "dos mode" but you don't actually seem to be in Win95
Running a program in "dos mode" seems to kick you out of windows 95
and your network connection so you can't get at your data anymore if
that's where it happened to be!
I think the 95 stands for 95%, still its a lot better than 3.11 or 4.01%!
| |
| Alan Bishop |
| Flow Cytometry Laboratory |
| Hanson Centre for Cancer Research |
| Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science |
| PO Box 14 Rundle Mall |
| Adelaide SA 5000 |
| |
| Voice : 61-8-228 7258 |
| Fax : 61-8-232 4092 |
| Email : bishop@immuno.imvs.gov.sa.au |
| |