First of all, thanks to all who replied so quickly to my question regarding
my new FACScalibur. BD also saw the posting and they have been very quick to
respond and to assure me that we will get all the bugs worked out. For those
of you who are interested, all of the responses I got were very much in favor
of the FACScalibur. It seems that we indeed are having unique problems. Our
problems recently seem to be mostly software based and I am hoping we will
resolve them soon.
As to those of you who asked, our user's are minimally trained, as no one at
our institute has been able to attend Flow school yet. I agree that this is
probably the cause of some of our problems, 1. running on an empty sheath
container, and 2. priming the instrument with a tube on it.
We are planning to have BD come in within the next couple of weeks for more
thorough training and this will help with the multi-user problems. (I hope!
:) )
Thanks again for all your responses!!
Abby Allen
Center for Blood Research
Boston, Ma.