Re: FACScan 310 -> 340

Mike Lance (
Fri, 10 Sep 1993 8:09:44 PST

Subject: Time:7:52 AM
OFFICE MEMO RE> FACScan 310 -> 340 Date:9/10/93

Eric Van Buren writes:

>David Abbott asks about upgrading an HP 9000/310 to an HP 9000/340 for his
>FACScan. According to the latest (Summer 1993) HP DIRECT catalog, HP does
>not offer *any* of the 9000/3xx workstations anymore. However, they do
>an upgrade for the 310 (no upgrades for the 340). The 310 upgrade would
>you a faster CPU (68040/25) than the 340, the same (15" 640x480) video or
>better (1024x768) video than the 340, for the low, low starting price of
>6,830 (US$). Call 800-637-7740 for more info. Of course, LYSYS II (or
>30) may not work on an upgraded 310.

BD has not validated the mentioned CPU upgrade (HP A2244A), however we do
an upgrade path for the 310 computers which has been validated and IVD
using a 332 CPU which is at the same performance level as the 340. Note
that the 340's video is standard at 1024x764 resolution, not 640x480, and
the monitor
is either a 16" or 19" depending on the system purchased. Eric does make a
point: the software may or may not work on the '040/25 CPU...I would be
in hearing from anyone who who has tried it.

Mike Lance
Becton Dickinson

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