Re: LYSYS II => Cicero Users
Centenary Institute (
Thu, 21 Oct 1993 11:59:04 +1000
A possible factor in your datafile problem:
I found a group of files which LYSYS II thought were empty (no data)
although the file size and all other indications suggested there were
10,000 cells, 4 parameter by 256 res;
The cause was the operator had included the delimiter character "\"
in the SAMPLE ID text, thus putting the header translation out of synch.
and LYSYS II thought the TOT (number of events) was zero!
I successfully fixed some, but not all, of the files by FACSNet-ing to
a PC and using a DOS text editor to change the offending character in
the file header. Can't remember what editor it wassomething obscure
that can handle huge files.
Some questions that might help isolate the problem:
Does PC-LYSYS handle the files o/k?
What does Cicero use as a text delimiter character?
Best of Luck!
- From Joseph Webster
Centenary Institute, Sydney
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