Reticulated platelets
07 Dec 95 15:46 CDT

I'm a clinical Hematologist with access to a BD FacScan that is used
for lots of immunophenotyping studies. I'm interested in developing
a reticulated platelet assay on this machine. However, I have some
questions about determining "positive"
v. "negative" in this system. So far, we've run one sample (my lab
tech) with the BD reticstain reagent. We divided her blood into PRP
and whole blood and ran stained & unstained specimens. It didn't seem
to hard to find the RBC and platelets
using forward & side scatter. Does anyone have any suggestions about
finding the proper cut off for "reticulated" red cells & platelets?
[Sorry to ask such basic questions, but I gotta know...]
Thanks in advance for any help.

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