Re[2]: name my babies

steven micko (steven_micko@email.eushc.ORG)
Mon, 18 Dec 95 09:00:15 EST

Subject: Re: Name my babies

Thanks very much to everybody who contributed to my request. You all have shown
great imagination. And with the abundance of replies, *many* more than I ever
expected, you have also shown great patience with having to read everybody's
suggestions. Since everybody on the list sees what I see, I won't go into all
the suggestions. So here are the final results. The folks in Dr. Waller's lab
did some brainstorming and have come up with the finalists. But first a warmup.

The Top Ten List

"Santa Claus pickup lines"

As presented on the 12/5/95 broadcast of LATE SHOW with DAVID LETTERMAN

10. "I'll make you shake like a bowl full of jelly"
9. "I put the 'scroo' in 'Scrooge'!"
8. "I've got something you can hang a wreath on"
7. "One hour with me honey and you'll see flyin' reindeer"
6. "Buy you a Zima?"
5. "That is a candy cane in my pocket, and I'm glad to see you"
4. "Uh-yeah, that's right, I'm Kenny Rogers"
3. "I got your stocking stuffer right here, Shirley!"
2. "Giddy-up over here and say 'Howdy' to your fat, bearded cowboy of love!"
1. "I've got an elf in my pants!"

And now for the grand finale. (drum roll, please.)

The Top Ten List

"Groups of Names for the Flow Cytometer Lab Computers"

10."Seven Deadly Sins" (lust pride avarice sloth)
9. "Dead rock stars" (Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Elvis, John Lennon)
8. "Varietal Wines" (Chardonnay, merlot,zinfandel, )
7. "Sexually transmitted diseases" (herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphillis)
6. "Constellations" (Casiopia, Ursa, Orion Andromeda)
5. "Famous Naval Ships" (Hornet, Lexington, Bismark, Arizona)
4. "Seven Dwarfs" (Doc, sneezy, grumpy, sleepy, bashful, horny)
3. "Illicit Drugs" (Crack, Crank, Speed, Mary Jane, Qualludes)
2. "Serial Killers" (Boston Strangler, Son of Sam, Jefferey Dahmer,)
1. "Classical Composers" (Brahams, Beethoven, Bach, Mozart,)

Tim Murray
Emory University School of Medicine

Steve Micko
Emory University Hospital

P.S. It's a toss-up between mythological figures, the Marx brothers
(Groucho, Harpo, Zeppo, Chico, Gummo and Karl) and the nine muses.

My quest is officially finished. Thanks again.


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CD ROM Vol 2 was produced by staff at the Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories and distributed free of charge as an educational service to the cytometry community. If you have any comments please direct them to Dr. J. Paul Robinson, Professor & Director, PUCL, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Phone:(317) 494-0757; FAX (317) 494-0517; Web EMAIL