Re: Phenotype for CML cells
Steven Gore (
Tue, 19 Dec 1995 09:30:46 -0500 (EST)
Blast crisis in CML is myeloid in 60 - 80% of cases. In such cases, the
phenotype is analogous to AML phenotypes. The "B-lineage" ALL equivalent
makes up the majority of the rest, with a very rare T cell case here and
there. In each instance, the blast phenotype is equivalent to the
comparable acute leukemia phenotype. Blast crisis in CML is more likely
to have expression of mixed lineage antigens, as well as true
"biphenotypic" leukemia: that is, two blast populations, one myeloid and
one lymphoid. The other thing is that a lymphoid blast crisis put into
remission can relapse as a myeloid blast crisis and vice versa.
Steve Gore
Johns Hopkins Oncology Center
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