Compensation on the Elite
Fri, 19 Jan 1996 11:23:26 -0500

Hello Everyone.....Hope someone can help us.....

We are using FITC-CD34, PE-CD38 and PER-CP-HLA-DR on the Coulter Elite. PE
spilling into PER-CP has been the biggest aggrevation. The compensation
problems are as follows--

Using PE-CD38 alone and examining the PE vs PER-CP histogram for a
"rectangular shape" does not give sufficient control. In other words, we
over- or undercompensate according to cells stained with [PE and PER-CP]
versus PER-CP alone. For that reason, we are considering the following
approach -- Run cells stained with a PER-CP-HLA-DR to find the "true value".
Then, adjust the compensation values for PE into PER-CP using cells stained
with [PER-CP + PE] by seeking a compensation value for PE that gives the same
percentage positivity for PER-CP when run alone. Playing with this approach
has shown that minute changes in compensation for PE have large effects on
PER-CP positivity. That is, with a double stained population, changing the
compensation for PE --> PER-CP from 29.0% to 28.5% increased the PER-CP
positive population from 21% to 27%! OUCH!! In both cases, the PER-CP vs PE
histograms for cells stained with PE alone looked fine and were almost

By the same token, compensation is exquisitely sensitive to antibody
concentration: Doubling the PE-antibody concentration led to a 2.5-fold
decrease in PER-CP positive cells.

Does anybody have an opinion on this unorthodox approach to compensation? Is
anyone else having similar problems?

Thank You in Advance

Doug Dooley, Barb Openlander and Mike Plunkett
American Red Cross
Bone Marrow Research
Portland Oregon

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CD ROM Vol 2 was produced by staff at the Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories and distributed free of charge as an educational service to the cytometry community. If you have any comments please direct them to Dr. J. Paul Robinson, Professor & Director, PUCL, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Phone:(317) 494-0757; FAX (317) 494-0517; Web EMAIL