RE: usenet flow cytometry??

Mike Clark (
Fri, 26 Jan 1996 11:31:21 +0000 (GMT)

On Fri 26 Jan, Nancy Perlmutter wrote:
> Not everyone who has e-mail capabilities has access to news groups.
Yes this is one good point, the other I agree with is that news groups
can often be taken over by trivial issues in a major way.
I subscribe to Bionet.immunology and this has often contained large
numbers of irrelevant threads to the subject of the group.

Mike Clark,

  o/ \\    //            ||  ,_ o   Dr. M.R. Clark, Division of Immunology
 <\__,\\  //   __o       || /  /\,  Cambridge University, Dept. Pathology
  ">    ||   _`\<,_    //  \\ \> |  Tennis Court Rd., Cambridge CB2 1QP
   `    ||  (_)/ (_)  //    \\ \_   Tel. 01223 333705  Fax. 01223 333875

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