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DNA Analysis
Fachklinik Hrnheide
Abteilung fur Tumorforschung
D-48157 Munster, GERMANY
Laboratory Profile
Director: Dr. Friedrich Otto
1. Facilities available: General biology labs, cell culture facilities, computer facilities, office space for visiting scientists.
2. Instrumentation:
Flow cytometry: Partec Pas II, Partec Pas III with mercury arc lamp and air cooled argon laser.
Other major items: Fluorescent photomicroscope, cell culture facilities.
Computers and Analytical: Partec software for cell cycle analysis, IBM PC with Phoenix Multicycle software, Microsoft Excel.
3. Specialization areas: Flow cytometric DNA measurement in cell cultures, normal tissues and tumor specimens for ploidy determination and cell cycle analysis.
4. Training Opportunities: Preparation, staining and measurement of cells for high resolution DNA analysis.
5. Special courses offered: Partec instrument usage.
6. Graduate Program: None
7. Local Accomodations: Several hotels in Miinster-Handorf, 60-100 DM per night incl. breakfast, Guest house of the Fachklinik Hornheide with limited number of rooms, 10 DM per night.
8. Transportation: Local airport is Munster-Osnabruck (FMO). Railway station is Munster Hbf with bus connection line 10 to Munster-Handorf (Hornheide).
9. Cost of Internships: Depends on what studies are required.
Dr. Friedrich Otto
Fachklinik Hornheide
Abteilung fur Tumorforschung
Dorbaumstrabe 300
D-48157 Munster, GERMANY
Phone: ( 49) 251 328 7651
FAX: (49) 251 328 7299