Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zytometrie

Newsletters 1994

Winter 1994/1995
Dec.21, 1994

Dear colleagues,

The participation in the mail ballot for the election of the new Executive Committee and of three new Coucillors was astonishingly good (57.5%). The election is valid. I want to congratulate the elected candidates and wish the best for their upcoming work.

GZ-membership has increased to 196 members after the Heidelberg meeting 1994.

Following the installation of the electronic bulletin board as Gopher and FTP(anonymous) information node:, the node is also reachable in the world wide web (www) net by Windows Mosaic or Netscape programs as: gopher:// An additional node has been established for the European Society for Analytical Cellular Pathology (ESACP). It is be reached as: or as: gopher:// Amongst other items it contains a consensus protocol on morphometric DNA-analysis (Prof.Boecking, Duesseldorf and colleagues).

Gary Salzman, Los Alamos will present the new flow cytometric file standard FCS3.0 and potentially also a new image file standard for the International Society for Analytical Cellular Pathology (ISAC). The Italian (GIC) and the Iberian cytometric societies will also establish nodes in the nearer future. There exist, however, still difficulties with the installation of Internet PC servers.

Cytometry courses:
Drs.Nüsse and Beisker of the GSF, Munich are planning a one week GZ-cytometry course for June 1995. The course will mainly cover flow and image applications of cytometry in research. Details will be announced later.

With best wishes for the holidays and for a successful New Year


Autumn 1994
Nov.5, 1994

Dear colleagues,

GZ Annual Meeting:
Following the successful Heidelberg annual meeting we want to ask you for a fast and high voting participation in the mail ballot for the election of the new executive committee and the three councillors.

The abstracts of the annual meeting are in press and will appear in January 1995 in the J.Anal.Cell.Pathology.

GZ Activities and ISAC Meeting:
The ISACXVII meeting in Lake Placid from Oct.16-20,1994 was well attended with about 1000 participants and 540 abstracts were presented.

The consensus protocols for leukocyte phenotyping developed during the past two years by the clinical cytometry group (Prof.Schmitz, Regensburg) will serve as basis for further international discussion. The clinical cytometry group consists of representatives of various German clinical and basic research scientific societies like the GZ as well as industry representatives.

A consensus conference in Urbino, Italy in June 1995 will permit to further advance the European efforts for standardization in this area while a consensus conference in the USA in the second half of 1995 will extend the world wide efforts for standardization and quality control.

The efforts for the establishment of the CytometryNet, a world wide on-line information system on cytometric societies were already announced in the GZ Summer Newsletter. In bet- ween, the first node was established for the GZ and the second for the Europ.Soc.Anal.Cell.Pathology (ESACP) within the Gopher information system. Other societies like the Ita- lian, the Iberian and the British societies will follow in the near future.

The information node of the GZ can be reached by the Gopher information system and by FTP (anonymous login) as: and in the world wide web net (www) via the Windows MOSAIC program as: gopher:// The ESACP node is reached accordingly as: and: gopher://

Besides structural information on the secretariat, constitution, executive committee, council, meeting dates, courses etc., the consensus papers on leukocyte phenotyping will be available soon on the GZ node while a consensus paper on morphometric DNA analysis is already available on the ESACP node (Prof.Boecking, Duesseldorf). A consensus paper on flow cytometric DNA analysis is planned for the nearer future (Prof.Tribukait, Stockholm, Dr.Otto, Muenster)

Cytometry Courses and Meetings:
The Regensburg flow cytometry course with the accompanying spring meeting will be from March 27-29,1995 and from March 30-31,1995. The contact is: Prof.Dr.G.Schmitz, Inst.f.Klinische Chemie der Universitaet, Franz-Josef- Strauss-Allee 11, 93053 Regensburg, Tel: 0941/944-6202

The Mainz Cytometry Days with course and meeting will be from March 8-11,1995. The contact is: Dr.A.Thews, III.Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik, Langenbeckstr.1, 55131 Mainz, Tel: 06131/17-2713

With best regards

G.Valet A.Radbruch
President President Elect

Questions and comments to:
G.K.Valet, E-mail:, Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie, Am Klopferspitz 18a, D-82152 Martinsried, Germany, Tel: +49/89/8578-2518, -2525, Fax: +49/89/8578-2563, INTERNET address:
Last edit: Aug.28, 1996

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CD ROM Vol 2 was produced by staff at the Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories and distributed free of charge as an educational service to the cytometry community. If you have any comments please direct them to Dr. J. Paul Robinson, Professor & Director, PUCL, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Phone:(317) 494-0757; FAX (317) 494-0517; Web EMAIL