Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zytometrie

Newsletters 1995

Winter 1995
Nov.6, 1995

8.Heidelberg Cytometry Symposium of the DGZ (1995)
The 8th Heidelberg Cytometry Symposium was attended by a substantially increased number of participants. DGZ members as well as "newcomers" found their way to the oral presentations in the communication center of the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ). Even with the splendid weather on Saturday morning the excellent presentations were well attended. A cordial thanks to the local organizers K.J.Hutter, S.Meuer, M.Stöhr and M.Trendelenburg for their excellent organization of the meeting

During the coffee breaks, the participants had the opportunity to inform themselves at the booths of the numerously represented companies about their product palettes and various novelties

A new session was devoted to practical user problems. Inspite of the advanced hour, about 50 participants discussed current issues. This represented an ideal opportunity for beginners to know the pitfalls of the technology as well as for "professionals" to exchange their ideas. The common opinion was expressed at the end that this session should be repeated next year. It would be nice if the participants could document their current problems during the past year by transparencies to increase the efficiency of the discussion.

Poster awards
Posters had been revaluated this year by the organization of an oral poster presentation session. Poster awards were assigned to the best posters by the DGZ council members who formed the jury. The poster: W.Schildbach, E.Endl, P.Steinbach, G.Fauser, J.Rueschoff, F.Hofstaedter from Regensburg with: Morphometric and densitometric image analysis of fluorescence stained bladder carcinoma cells was awarded the first award while: G.Wallner, S.Spring, B.Fuchs, W.Beisker, R.Amann from the GSF/Oberschleissheim with: Sorting of bacteria for PCR analysis received the second award.

Membership Assembly
Attached is the protocol of the DGZ membership assembly of Oct.20, 1995. A few points will be stressed again:

- Council Elections:
Due to the presence of a substantial number of members the quorum for the council member elections was reached. Following three years of service Friedrich Otto and Stefan Meuer rotated off. We want to thank both of them for their excellent work. Ruth Knüchel, Regensburg was elected new councilor and Friedrich Otto was reelected

- Honorary Membership:
Prof.Dr.Klaus Goerttler, the founding father of the society was awarded with the first honoray membership of the DGZ. He was further honored by a special symposium by the DKFZ during the time of the DGZ meeting. We hope that he will find now more time for his hobbies which amongst other things is still the cytometric field.

- Klaus Goerttler Award:
The DGZ has created a Klaus-Goerttler-Award in honor of Prof.Goerttler. The award amounts to 1000 DM and will be annually given for the excellent scientific work of a young scientist. The award aims especially at dissertations within the last two years in which cytometric methods were innovatively used. Applications or suggestions can be addressed to the DGZ president. The application deadline will be July 31, 1996. The awardee will be asked to present his/her work at the next Heidelberg symposium.

- Choice of a new DGZ logo:
Prior to the general assembly 42 proposals for a new logo were received. Many of them represented permutations of several basic ideas. The membership voted for the postponement of the logo selection to the next general assembly. It was appreciated that many of the proposals were very creative but none of the proposed motifs seemed unmistakably suitable as DGZ logo.

Graphical precision, unambiguity towards Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Zytology and Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Zellbiologie (abbreviation is equally DGZ), introduction of the optical basis of cytometry, clearness on format diminution and coloring should be properties of our new logo. The designers of the so far submitted proposals are invited to adapt their logo versions in this respect. New proposals are welcome at any time. Hopefully we will find the logo at the next annual meeting. ! The award for the best logo is waiting !

- DGZ stipends:
A new mode for the distribution of congress stipends was announced by the executive committee and council. There will be two deadlines for stipend applications which are January 31 and July 31.

A transition regulation was installed for this year. Three stipends of 500DM each, will be available for the ISAC congress in Rimini from April 13 - 18, 1996. The applications have to be submitted until: Nov.5, 1995 to the DGZ president.

9th Heidelberg Cytometry Symposium of the DGZ (1996)
The 9th Heidelberg Cytometry Symposium will take place from Oct.17-19, 1996 in the communication center of the Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ) in Heidelberg

Society business
The new membership roaster is enclosed. Please verify your address and communicate errors or changes to us. If you know of the new addresses of "lost members" we would appreciate your information.

For all those who have not yet payed their annual dues of 20DM and who have lost the account information:
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zytometrie
Acc: 849/756 Postbank Karlsruhe
BLZ: 660 100 75

We would like to circulate more information about the membership. The available information is as follows:

- Klaus Goerttler was honored as "Honoray Fellow" of ISAC at the ISACXVII meeting in Lake Placid

- Guenter Valet, president of the DGZ between 1993 and 1995 was elected President-elect of the ESACP (Europ.Soc.Anal.Cell.Pathology)

- Nadia Harbeck has been honored in Sept.1995 by the "Young Investigators Award" at the Annual Congress for Clinical Applications of Cytometry of the Clinical Cytometry Society (affiliated with ISAC) in Charleston. The title of her contribution was: "Flow cytometrical S-phase determination has a greater prognostic impact in node-negative breast cancer than MIB1 (Ki-67) immunostaining"

- Stefan Miltenyi and Andreas Radbruch have received the Karl-Heinz-Beckurts Award (previous Technology Transfer Award of the German Federal Ministerium for Research and Technology) 1994 for research and marketing of the the MACS technology

Internet and E-mail addresses:
We want to announce the address of the CYTORELAY information node for www-users amongst the cytometrists . Many cytometry laboratories make presently the effort to participate with own www-pages in this new electronic communication medium. Important meeting announcements, information on methodology, international E-mail group in cytometry etc. can be retrieved from the network. Some of the transatlantic nodes which are difficult to reach are now mirrored on the Martinsried CYTORELAY node for faster access.

The DGZ node in the Gopher information system: is best reached from the www-node:

This is equally true for the Gopher node of the Europ.Soc.Anal. Cell.Pathology (ESAC) (

The address of the international E-mail group at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA is:

All DGZ members who have indicated their E-mail address in the membership directory have been introduced as recipients of the DGZ E-mail box by Dr.Tarnok (Leipzig). If somone wants to post a question or suggestion of general interest, please send your information by E-mail to:

If you do not want to receive messages from the DGZ mailbox, please indicate this by E-mail to:

With best regards

Andreas Radbruch

Summer 1995
Jul.24, 1995

8.Heidelberg Cytometry Symposium of the DGZ (1995):
The meeting will take place from Oct.19-21.1995 in Heidelberg in the Communication center of the Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ). The local organization committee is constituted by Drs.Stöhr and Hutter, registration fee is 50DM and participants have to arrange their travel and accomodation by themselves. The first session of the meeting will start on Thursday, Oct.19 at 14.00h

Membership Assembly:
Agenda points and motions for the upcoming membership assembly (invitations will be separately mailed) should be forwarded until Sept.5 to Prof.A. Radbruch.

DGZ Cytometry Course:
Michael Nüsse and collaborators of the GSF, Munich have organized a cytometry course which covered the fundamentals of cytometry and its widespread applications in biology and biomedical basic research. The course with 22 participants took place between June 26-29 in the GSF (Oberschleißheim near Munich). The companies Becton-Dickinson, Coulter, Miltenyi-Biotec and Partec helped the course by providing instruments and reagents.

DGZ sponsored Meetings:
1. The 6.Workshop Flowzytometrie will be organized between Sept.6-8 in the University Club of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelm-Universität, Bonn. Fokus points will be Allergology, Infection Immunology, Stem Cell Transplantation, Basic Research. Registration: Dr.I.Böhm, Universitäts-Hautklinik, Sigmund-Freud-Str.25, 53105 Bonn, Sekretariat Tel: +49/228/287-5549, Fax: +49/228/287-4333

2. Preceeding the annual DGZ conference, a symposium in honor of Prof. Goerttler will be organized on Oct.19 at 10.00h in the Communication Center of the DKFZ.

3. In parallel to this symposium the Arbeitsgruppe Zytometrie und Bildgebende Verfahren will meet on Oct.19 between 10.00 and 13.00h. Focus point of the session will be transplantation monitoring. Prof.Schmitz and Dr.Rothe have planned a critical discussion of the current protocols of flow cytometric analysis in transplantation patients for the first part of the meeting. The second part of the meeting will be devoted to a report on the work on flow cytometric consensus protocols for bronchoalveolar lavages, hematopoietic neoplasias as well as DNA, thrombocyte and hematopoietic stem cell analysis and on ring trial results. Interested members are cordially invited to both parts.

Additional Cytometry Meetings and Courses
The working group Flow Cytometry of the DGTI, Section "monoclonal antibodies/ gene technology" will meet on Wednesday, Aug.23 in Frankfurt. Focus points will be aspects of quality assurance in the flow cytometric laboratory. Information is available from: Dr.Gutensohn, Universitäts-Krankenhaus Eppendorf, Abt.Tranfusionsmedizin/Transplantationsimmunologie, Dir.Prof. Dr.P.Kuehnl, Martinistr.52, 20246 Hamburg

Sept.18-22: Flow Cytometry Course, University of Cambridge, information: Dr.M.Ormerod, Royal Microscopic Society, 37/38 St.Clements, Oxford OX4 1AJ, UK, Tel: +44/865/248768, Fax: +44/865/791237

Sept.27-29: 2eme Congres Annuel Association Francaise de Cytometrie. Information: ACF 2e congres, BP5, F-34930 JACOU, Tel: +33/67/022734, Fax: +33/67/022734 or Dominique Ploton, 2e congres ACF, INSERM U314, CHR Maison Blanche, 45 rue Cognacq Jay, F-51092 Reims Cedex, Tel: +33/26/787770, Fax: +33/26/065861

Oct.18-20: Annual Meeting Italian Cytometric Society (GIC) in the Centro Congressi Cocumella in Sant Angelo di Sorrento. Information: Segretaria Organizzativa Orvieto, Via Duomo 23, I-05018 Orvieto, Tel: +39/763/41555, Fax: +39/763/44228 or Segretaria GIC, c/o Unita Epidemiologia Ambientale, ENEA C.R. Casaccia S.P.16, Via Anguillarese 301, I-00060 Roma, Tel: +39/6/3048-4671, 86090317, Fax: +39/6/3048-6559

Apr.13-18, 1996: XVIIIth Congress Int.Society Analytical Cytology (ISAC) in the Palacongressi (Congress Center) in Rimini, Italy. Information: Justine Parker, Executive Director, ISAC, P.O.Box 7849, Breckenridge, CO 80424, USA, Tel: 001/970/453-2058 or -1894, Fax: 001/970/453-2636

Further DGZ Activities
No congress stipediums will be available for the rest of the year 1995 because the annual budget sum for this purpose is exhausted. We want to encourage the membership to submit applications for 1996 e.g. for the ISAC meeting in Rimini to Prof.Radbruch.

We want to ask the membership to submit proposals for a new logo of the DGZ. Please address your proposals to Prof.Radbruch. There will be awards for the best proposals as selected by the participants of the Heidelberg meeting.

Especially for our new members we want to repeat the the address of the Internet www-CYTORELAY node on world wide cytometric information:

We would like to ask the membres to inform us (A.Radbruch: on their E-mail addresses to include them in the new membership roaster which will be shortly printed.

With best regards

Andreas Radbruch

Spring 1995
Mar.15, 1995

DGZ-Annual Meeting and Executive Committee and Council Elections:
The election results of the mail ballot for the executive committee and council elections 1995/96 are now available. 103 out of 179 members have voted i.e. 57.5% with 93 valid votes.

The new executive committee:
president: Prof.Dr.Andreas Radbruch, Küln
president elect: PD Dr.Joerg Hemmer, Ulm
secretary: Prof.Dr.Georg Feichter, Basel
treasurer: Dipl.Ing.Peter Schwarzmann, Stuttgart

The new council:
Dr.Michael Nüsse, München until 1997
Dr.Thomas Bley, Leipzig until 1997
Dipl.Ing.Peter Pürstner, Graz until 1996
Prof.Dr.Michael Trendelenburg, Heidelberg until 1996
Prof.Dr.Stefan Meuer, Heidelberg until 1995
Dr.Friedrich Otto, Münster until 1995

Auditers are Dr.Thomas Nebe, Mannheim and Dr.Wolfgang Ulrich, Stuttgart

The abstracts of the 1994 DGZ meeting are now available in print: Analytical Cellular Pathology 8,79-98(1995) and thereby citable. A copy of the ACP issue is enclosed in this letter. The printing costs were covered by DGZ funds.

8th DGZ Heidelberg Cytometry Symposium:
The meeting will take place between Oct.19 and 21 in Heidelberg at the conference center of the Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum. It will be organized in by Drs.Hutter and Stöhr. The conference fee will be 50 DM. The official meeting announcement is enclosed in this letter. Please observe the dates for preliminary registration (until April 30,1995) and due date for abstracts on oral presentations and posters (June 30,1995).

There will be a poster discussion session (three slides). In addition, a "user forum" will be organised for the first time. It will be devoted to practical problems of cytometry e.g. for flow cytometry operators. Please indicate your interest by crossing the box on the registration postcard.

The organizers of quality control ring trials are asked to submit abstracts of their results for discussion in the quality control session.

1.Munich Cytometry Course:
DGZ organizes a flow and image cytometry course together with the GSF, Neuherberg. This course will address basics and applications of cytometry in biology, clinical and basic research. The course will take place in the GSF Research Center for Environment and Health (June 26-29,1995) in Neuherberg-Oberschleißheim near Munich. The details are contained on the enclosed leaflet.

Further Cytometry Courses:
The very active course activities in the clinical area reflect the increasing interest in our research area. The Regensburg meeting (Clinical Diagnostics) March 30/31, Prof.Schmitz, Dr.Rothe, Tel: 0941/944-6201, a meeting in Münster (focus transfusion medicine) June 15/15, Dr. Gutensohn, Tel: 040/4717-3430 and the meeting/course of Prof.Bauer in Bonn (DGZ sponsorship, dermatology, focus allergy and inflammation) Sept.8/9, Tel: 0228/280-2549

May 26-29,1995 ISAC sponsored International Working Symposium on Tumor Heterogeneity: Biological Basis and Clinical Relevance in Kananaskis, Alberta, Canada. Contact is: Prof.David Hedley, Ontario Cancer Institute, 500 Sherbourne Street, Toronto M4X1K9, Canada Tel: 001/416/924-0671, Fax: 001/416/413-2026, E-mail:

FEBS Advanced Course on: Analysis of Cell Biochemistry by Flow Cytometry June 17-21,1995. Contact is: Dr.Filipe Sansonetty, IPATIMUB-CFGTBM Laboratorio de Anatomia Patologica, Hospital de S.Joao, P-4200 Porto, Portugal, Tel: 00351/2/550-4381 or 00351/2/590591, Fax: 00351/2/550-3940

4th Intern.Conference on the Computerized Cytology and Histology Laboratory Chicago, Ill, USA, March 17-20, 1996, The Drake Hotel. Contact: Int.Academy of Cytology, Fax: 001/312/9470290 or: Prof.U.Schenck, Munich, Fax: 089/4140-4876

Membership dues:
A number of members has not yet payed their annual dues of 20DM for 1995. A payment order is enclosed for this purpose. The bank account of the DGZ is:
Postgiroamt Karlsruhe
Konto Nr: 849 756
BLZ: 660 100 75
Please indicate clearly your name and address in the "destination" field of the form to be sure that the treasurer can assign the payment to the correct member.

Further DGZ-Activities:
Two congress stipends (each 1000.- DM) will be available for DGZ members this year. The stipends are provided for cytometry oriented international congresses with submitted and accepted abstracts. Applications should be sent to the executive committee (Prof.Radbruch).

At the last annual meeting in Heidelberg it was decided to add "Deutsche" to the name: "Gesellschaft fuer Zytometrie". A new logo is needed for the DGZ especially since the abbreviation is not unique (Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Zellbiologie, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Zytologie). The membership is sollicited to submit proposals to Prof.Radbruch. Prices will be available for the best logo following a vote at the next annual meeting.

The Internet Gopher nodes: cytogerm and cytoesacp are supplemented now by the CYTORELAY node in the world-wide-web (www) net. This node contains a relatively complete list of cytometric www and Gopher servers worldwide. The URL of this node is:

E-mail adresses:
We would like to stimulate as many as possible of the DGZ members to submit their E-mail numbers. Please, send us a short message

Andreas Radbruch Birgit Mechtold (who did the Newsletter work)

Andreas Radbruch
Tel: +49/221/470-3419
Fax: +49/221/470-4970

Questions and comments to:
G.K.Valet, E-mail:, Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie, Am Klopferspitz 18a, D-82152 Martinsried, Germany, Tel: +49/89/8578-2518, -2525, Fax: +49/89/8578-2563, INTERNET address:
Last edit: Aug.28, 1996

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CD ROM Vol 2 was produced by staff at the Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories and distributed free of charge as an educational service to the cytometry community. If you have any comments please direct them to Dr. J. Paul Robinson, Professor & Director, PUCL, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Phone:(317) 494-0757; FAX (317) 494-0517; Web EMAIL