Currently several companies supply Annexin V-FITC. The product quality may vary with the source. We
have used the Annexin V-FITC probe from R&D and from NeXins Research. There is a clear difference
between the two products. The Annexin V-FITC probe of NeXins is much brighter then the R&D's and
distinguishes subpopulations of cells with intermediate levels of PS exposure. These are likely early
apoptotic cells, which have not yet fragmented DNA. We have, however, not yet combined directly a
TUNEL assay with the Annexin V-assay. Indications that early apoptotic cells expose PS prior to DNA
fragmentation come from studies comparing PS exposure and nuclear morphology by flow cytometry,
light- and electron microscopy.
Chris Reutelingsperger, Ph.D.
Department of Biochemistry
University of Limburg
Maastricht, the Netherlands