Ray "not sure I can get funding for two international trips, and betting
that if a meeting gets organised it won't be in the uk" Hicks
At 11:27 am 28/3/96, Maryalice Stetler-Stevenson wrote:
> We have noted this expansion in apoptosis studies by flow- many
>substandard. We are involved in apoptosis studies with a number of people
>at NIH and they are amazed and excited about what good flow can do for
>them. People who in the past tried to do their own work by getting time on
>a FACScan have a poor view of the power of this technique. After
>collaborating with my lab they realize that apoptosis by flow is not a
>black box they can shove stained tubes into and get a good answer out of.
>We need to take the initiative in educating the general scientific
>community about apoptosis studies and how complex they are. In my own work
>identifying a new anti-apoptotic agent in lymphomas, I have compared many
>methods and found all useful in the appropriate setting and when you know
>what you are doing. I think ISAC should take an active role in promoting
>intellegent use of flow.
>>Over the past year, there has been increasing interest in the area of
>>apoptosis and the use of flow and image cytometry in assessment of this
>>physiologically important process. From the posted notices I perceive the
>>need for: (1) standardized methodologies to evaluate apoptosis, (2)
>>development of cytometric techniques and probes to study the process(es),
>>and (3) application of flow and image techniques to study apoptosis in
>>model systems as well as the real world (human tissues).
>>In parallel, I have noticed a significant increase in: (1) the numbers of
>>papers published in "mainstream" journals (Cell, Cancer Research, etc)
>>dealing with apoptosis, (2) the significant numbers of these papers using
>>flow cytometry, (3) the significant differences in techniques (and
>>interpretation) used to measure apoptosis in flow, and (4) the percent of
>>these papers published by ISAC members (seems low to me).
>>I think that it is time for the cytometry community to take the lead in
>>this expanding (and as yet largely uncharted) area of biology research!
>>The Scientific Advisory Committee of ISAC has the responsibility of
>>organizing focused, thematic meetings on topics of interest to the
>>cytometry community. As a member of this committee, I would welcome
>>comments through this BBS regarding the possibility of an ISAC sponsored
>>meeting on this theme. Please place your comments regarding topics,
>>themes, possible speakers, workshop sessions, etc. on this BBS (subject
>>to J. Paul Robinson's approval!).
>>Thanks in advance
>>Vince Shankey
>>Loyola Univ Med Cntr
>Maryalice Stetler-Stevenson
>Director Flow Cytometry Unit
>Laboratory of Pathology, NCI, NIH