Date: 5/16/95
Name: Kissie
Signalment: Canine, Female, 11 yrs, 12 pounds
History: Seizures started 12/94. Medications started 4/95.
Chemistry panel normal
Current Status: No seizures since started current dose
Dose: 12 mg (elixir), PO Dose Interval: 12 h
Time on Dose:3 weeks
Serum Concentration #1: 20.2 mcg/mL @ 2 h #2: 19.9
mcg/mL @ 12 h
- Plot data from case on arithmetic graph paper
- make "y" axis 0 to 50 (mcg/mL serum)
- make "x" axis 0 to 14 (hours)
- Plot 2 hr concentration = 20.2 mcg/mL
- Plot 12 hr concentration = 19.9 mcg/mL
- What fluid was measured? Why?
- How were sample times chosen?
- Does the concentration change much during the dose
- During this dose interval, will the concentration more
than likely go | higher
| lower
| than the reported values?
- What might the "curve" look like if one had all
the data?
Draw a light dotted line representing your
notion of the curve's shape
- Given the two concentrations and sample times, predict
whether this drug is eliminated |
rapidly or slowly |.
- [scan ] What you should have
- [drawing][scan] Graph of phenobarbital
concentration versus time
(scan is figure 1, Ravis et al, AJVR
45:1283-1286, 1984)
- The concentration is approximately 20.2 ug/mL at 2 hours
... So what?
- The concentration is approximately 19.9 ... So what?
- How does serum/plasma drug concentration relate to
- Procainamide
concentration vs effect (Koch-Weser73: , 5th
Int. Cong. Pharmacol. Pharmacology and Future of Man.
Problems of Therapy, Vol. 3, 1973)
- Draw two heavy horizontal lines across graph --
one at 20 ug/mL -- Label it Minimum Effective
Concentration (MEC)
one at 40 ug/mL -- Label it Minimum Toxic
Concentration (MTC)
- Write "often toxic" above the 40 ug/mL line
- Write "insufficient effect" below the 20 ug/mL
- What name might one give to the "middle" area
of the graph?
- How might one establish the "minimum toxic" and
"minimum effective" concentrations?
- Are these concentrations "absolute"?
- Look at the observed concentrations in this case
vis-a-vis the therapeutic window you have made
- Note that the "Kissie" has not had seizures for
3 weeks
- Should one change the dose and/or schedule for Kissie?
- Why or why not?
Send suggestions /
Last modified: 8/20/96 glc