Gordon L.
Coppoc, DVM, PhD
Copyright 1996
This web contains a lecture outline, notes
and problem sets for teaching pharmacokinetics to veterinary
and medical students.
All information in this web, at this site, is
copyrighted by the Purdue Research Foundation and Gordon L.
Coppoc. All rights are reserved. The material may be
referenced by others through the Internet or when made
explicitly available through another medium, e.g., CD-ROM.
The material may be copied for use in other programs only
through explicit permission from Gordon L. Coppoc. It may not
be modified in anyway for distribution without explicit
reference to the source AND without permission from Gordon L.
Information not created by the author is here with
permission of the original copyright holder who maintains
copyright to the individual piece of work. Permission of the
original copyright holder must be obtained before the
material can be reused. Information that may be referenced
through remote links is the copyright of the person(s) and/or
institution(s) who placed the material on the World Wide Web.
18 August 1996
Gordon L. Coppoc, DVM, PhD
Department of Basic Medical Sciences
School of Veterinary Medicine
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907-1246
Please send all comments, suggestions, and questions to: coppoc@vet.purdue.edu
Tel: 317-494-8633
Last modified 15 Aug 1996 22:29 glc