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DRUG Dose Interval Route Min Max Half-life (mg/kg) (Hours) mcg/mL mcg/mL (hours) -------------- -------- -------- ----- ---- ------ --------- phenobarbital <8.8 q812h PO 20 40 53 phenytoin (dog) 35 q8h PO 10 20 3.3 phenytoin (cat) 10 --- PO 10 20 24 Digoxin (dog) 0.011 q12h PO 0.9 ng 3.0 ng 31 Digoxin (cat) 0.008 q12h PO 0.9 ng 2.0 ng 33 Gentamicin 2.2 q8h IM,SQ <1 <10 0.9-1.3 Amikacin 10-15 <=5 <30 Procainamide 4 10 2 Prices: Spring 95 --> current = $13.10 / sample internal $19.80 / sample external STANDARDS: Phenobarbital: L 13.5 to 16.5 mcg/mL M 27.0 to 33.0 mcg/mL H 45.0 to 55.0 mcg/mL Phenytoin L 6.75 to 8.25 mcg/mL M 13.5 to 16.5 mcg/mL H 27.0 to 33.0 mcg/mL Gentamicin L 0.85 - 1.15 mcg/mL M 3.6 - 4.4 mcg/mL H 7.2 - 8.8 mcg/mL Digoxin L 0.55 - 0.95 ng/mL M 1.30 - 1.70 ng/mL H 3.15 - 3.85 ng/mLGordon L. Coppoc, DVM, PhD