Vet. Dosage Adjust Problems

 Problem #1

Signalment: canine, 5 yrs, male, phenobarbital 30 mg, q12h, po, for 2 months.
Concentrations: 12h -- 10 mg/L; 3h -- 12 mg/L
Assume you are using an elixir so the dose is infinitely adjustable

 Problem #2

Signalment: canine, 2 yrs, male, phenobarbital 15 mg, q12h, po, for 1 week. No phenobarbital prior to 1 week ago.
Concentrations: 12h -- 18 mg/L;
Assume you are using an elixir so the dose infinitely adjustable.
What dose recommendations should you make?

 Problem #3

Signalment: canine, 10 yrs, male, phenobarbital 60 mg, q12h, po, for 2 years.
Patient had two seizures last week.
Concentrations: 12h -- 30 mg/L; 3h = 33 mg/L
You are using tablets. The smallest increment or decrement you can make is 7.5 mg (1/4 of 60 mg tablet)
Recommendations? [spreadsheet

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Last modified: 13 Sep 1996 14:19 glc