Problems related to 2-COM (n-COM) and withdrawal times

Problem 01. No real homework problems. Go to the spreadsheet of a 3-compartment model and play around with entering different multiplication factors for the intercept terms (e.g. as would happen with different dosages) and for the gamma phase half-life. This would be the most important half-life for influencing withdrawal times.

Note that for most of the formulae you have been using, plasma is the tissue assayed. For withdrawal times, one must use the elimination rate for the slowest tissue of interest. Raw values in the spreadsheet are similar to those that might be seen with ivermectin (Craigmill et al. 94), including the "action level" which is for ivermectin in liver.

There is also a cell that has the hours of withdrawal time from the time of administration of the drug. The serious problem with this computation is that it assumes a value of the C intercept.



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Last modified: 13 Sep 1996 00:17 glc