
Export Distributors

Country Name Company Name Telephone number FAX number
ARGENTINA Tecnolab SA 54-1-555-0010/553-1293 54-1-553-3331/555-1460
AUSTRALIA Immuno Diagnostics 6129-5199300 612-5196-762
BENELUX Sanbio BV 4132-51335 31-413-266605
CANADA Cedarlane Laboratories (905)878-8891 905-878-7800
DENMARK TriChem ApS 45-45858283 45-45-85-95-93
FINLAND Immuno Diagnostics oy 358-17-6822-758 358-17-6822-039
FRANCE Tebu 33-1-30-46-39-00 33-1-304-63911
GERMANY Medac 040-350-91-0 49-40-22-655-123
GREECE ANTI-SEL O.E. 3031-322525 30-31-321-912
HONG KONG Wenlin 25212439 52-2526-7053
ITALY Valter Occhiena S.R.L. 39117716971 39-11-7761-800
ISRAEL Tarom Applied Technologies 3-5377871 972-3-9214-146
JAPAN Dainippon Pharmaceutical 06-2035307 816-20-30059
KOREA Dae Myung Medical 822-4585835 82-245-21-221
NORWAY Immunolab 47-67124883 47-67-121-454
NEW ZEALAND Biotek Unit D 09-5730770 64-95-73-07-11
PORTUGAL Bio Atlantico 351-2-5501682 351-255-00-965
SOUTH AFRICA Whitehead Scientific 0021-9811560 2721-9815-789
SPAIN Ingelheim Diagnostica 93-4045220 343-4045-485
SWEDEN Bio Zac 08-583-50374 468-58-353-405
SWITZERLAND WBAG Resources 01-4226544 411-422-3006
TAIWAN Flow Science 02-558-2133 886-269-57-393
TURKEY Bio-Kem 1-5340103 90-21-25-25-9832
UK, IRELAND Bradsure Biologicals 01509-650665 441-50-96-50-544


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CD ROM Vol 2 was produced by staff at the Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories and distributed free of charge as an educational service to the cytometry community. If you have any comments please direct them to Dr. J. Paul Robinson, Professor & Director, PUCL, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Phone:(317) 494-0757; FAX (317) 494-0517; Web http://www.cyto.purdue.edu EMAIL robinson@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu