Collagen Type III

Janssens, D, Denise, Mrs (
Tue, 14 Jan 1997 16:38:22 UTC-2

Dear Flowers,

We would like to try and set up a method of flow cytometric analysis
for Collagen Type III on bone marrow stromal cells, has anyone tried
this before using the flow cytometer? The primary antibody that we
have in the lab is Goat anti-Type III Collagen (Southern
Biotechnology Associates, Inc) and we have a rabbit anti-goat IgG
FITC conjugate (Sigma F-7367) as a secondary antibody.

We would have to purchase an isotype matched negative control.

Any ideas on applying these reagents to the flow would be most

Thankyou in advance

Denise Janssens
Haem Lab
Med School
Cape Town
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